| - User can contact and be connected with other pre-existing versions of themselves throughout the endless multiverse of past, present, or future, allowing them to share information and knowledge between each "self" and even gain advice and data they didn't initially know beforehand and give info of their own to their alternates, even being able to hijack a version of themselves. They soon become an endless library of information through their multiple selves, saving, advancing, and guiding themselves with the knowledge a different version of them have, whether they be slightly different or drastically divergent. Added with the ability to mentally travel to a "past" or "future", death soon becomes a meaningless concept. With all the alternates, the network, and the ability to possess another self, the user is nigh-omnipresent and nigh-omniscient, the only flaw is the initial gaining of this power, as they start out with limited knowledge, are inexperienced, and it being neither offensive or even a combat power. But, through trial and error and the "New Game+" feature, they become nigh-unstoppable if they play their cards right.