| - List of Wasteland weapons AT Weapons & Explosives Energy Weapons Melee Weapons Semi-Auto weapons always fire one shot at a time, but continually fire as long as there's ammo in the magazine (or in the case of Demolitions weapons, as long as there are Grenades, TNTs or Plastic explosives in your inventory to keep going. Automatic weapons such as SMGs, Assault rifles and Energy weapons can fire in single fire mode, three-shot bursts, or fully automatic, emptying what is left in the magazine. The multiple shots can rake multiple opponents in the crossfire and/or do additional damage, depending on the character's skill level and number of shots fired.
| - List of Wasteland weapons AT Weapons & Explosives Energy Weapons Melee Weapons Semi-Auto weapons always fire one shot at a time, but continually fire as long as there's ammo in the magazine (or in the case of Demolitions weapons, as long as there are Grenades, TNTs or Plastic explosives in your inventory to keep going. Automatic weapons such as SMGs, Assault rifles and Energy weapons can fire in single fire mode, three-shot bursts, or fully automatic, emptying what is left in the magazine. The multiple shots can rake multiple opponents in the crossfire and/or do additional damage, depending on the character's skill level and number of shots fired. It is worth noting that killing enemies with Melee weapons is not only a great way to conserve ammo, but it also gives double the experience points. However, in some fights, you can take significant damage closing the distance to engage with your Proton axes and Chainsaws, especially if your armor is light. Also, some enemies, such as the Chopters at Base Cochise (but not the weaker ones in Las Vegas), cannot be hit with Melee weapons, however - when hunting at Cochise, you should bring some heavy-duty ranged weapons to handle them.