| - The Xindi-Arboreal colony was an inhabited planet in the Delphic Expanse. This planet was home to a Xindi kemocite refining facility. It had one moon. The Xindi-Arboreal colony was near Tarquin's planet. The colony was very peaceful: it had no defensive systems, no active sensors, no artificial satellites, and no orbiting starships. Native species included the tree scarabs, which were often hunted by the Arboreals that settled the planet. It also had several deposits of topaline ore. The colony's population was slightly less than a hundred residents, and eighty of them worked at the kemocite refining facility. This facility, whose primary technician was Gralik Durr, used positrons and antiproton bursts to refine kemocite into a pure form for sale. The colony did not only sell to the Xindi, but many other races as well. It did not sell to weapons manufacturers, however. In early 2153, the colony began supplying kemocite to Xindi Council member Degra for "research." This kemocite was the most pure ever ordered, with impurities at less than six parts per million. In October of that year, Captain Jonathan Archer of the Earth ship Enterprise came to the planet, on a tip from Tarquin while searching for the Xindi weapon. He informed Gralik that his facility's kemocite was to be used in the weapon being built to destroy Earth. Gralik assisted Archer in sabotaging the last kemocite shipment to Degra, as he did not want his product to be used for violence. (ENT: "The Shipment") In the final draft script of "The Shipment", this planet was commonly referred to simply as "alien planet". StarTrek.com and the Star Trek Encyclopedia (4th ed., vol. 1, p. 313) identified this planet as "Gralik's planet". The Encyclopedia (4th ed., vol. 1, p. 313) classified the Xindi-Arboreal colony as a class M planet. The final draft teleplay established that the planet, as seen from orbit, was intended to look "heavily forested". In an ultimately excised line of dialogue from the same script, there was said to be a "processing matrix on level two" of the Xindi complex.