| - Rio’s journey begins, he challenges the sky when a storm comes, his boat gets destroyed. As he regains consciousness, he finds himself in a small inn and that his clothes are taken off. He meets Celia, the daughter of the most popular inn keeper of the town who saved Rio while out on one of his trips. Rio leaves inn and Celia gives him tour, learns about Margolo Brothers and is thirsty and goes for a drink and Hibiki grabs it along with him. The glass breaks and the two engage each other and take their fight outside, moments later Margolo Henchmen appear but get knocked out by Rio and Hibiki. Hibiki withdraws his sword, pays for his damages, and leaves while Rio leaves with Celia and sleep in Inn. Rio overhears Celia’s dad and her talking about when Marines will come. Rio comes back from fishing with Celia and her father, notices a scuffle going down in Town and Rio jumps on a building, notices Hibiki, they get into another argument and fight. The henchmen try to interfere again but Rio and Hibiki blast em off again but stop when they notice guns pointed at the citizens. Celia barges in and kicks the brother but the brother kidnaps her and forces Rio and Hibiki to follow. Arriving at the Mansion, Rio and Hibiki are presented in front of the two other Margolo Brothers and are surrounded by henchmen. The Oldest brother questions who they are but they refuse to answer, enraging him and causing him to grab his Axe and throw it in between the two of them, but to his great shock neither of them flinch. The older brother then snaps his fingers and falls down along with Hibiki to the bottom floor of a dark room. Rio and the man converse until they come to a mutual agreement to settle their score after they deal with the stupid brothers. They make their way to a corridor and come across several bandits and proceed to go to work on their faces until Rio grabs one and forces him to tell them where they’re at. Eventually they make it back to the room and bust out of the door, shocking the brothers. Rio notices that the youngest brother along with Celia are nowhere. Hibiki pushes him and tells him to go stop the other one while he handles this one. Rio agrees and busts out of the mansion and looks for the youngest brother. He finds Celia tied up near the port and goes for her but a giant boulder crashes on top of him. The youngest brother appears and laughs hysterically as he sits on top of boulder and before he can laugh more, the boulder cracks in half with Rio’s arm extended upwards and he dusts himself off, looking pretty pissed. In a desperate attempt, the youngest brother rushes Rio but Rio’s skills in hand to hand surpass his and Rio lands a good hit on him before he threatens to kill Celia again. Rio hesitates and receives a claw wound to his chest and he curses him. Before anything else can happen, Flint comes out of nowhere demanding he let go of his daughter and attacks him with a bat but the youngest brother notices it and scars him and as he smiles at the blood, he fails to notice Rio devilishly smiling at him as Rio uses his Ox mode to send a punch to the brother’s face and crashing into the ship, totaling it. Back at the mansion, Hibiki engages in combat with the middle brother and the two seem to be even until Hibiki turns it up a bit and pushes him back. The brother pushes Hibiki back until he uses one of his signatures and sheaths his blade. Celia comes in, gives him a message from Rio and goes after the remaining boss. Rio busts through the window to fight the last one but Hibiki sends an attack at him, claiming the brother is his. As they argue and Celia walk in, the boss tries to grab Celia in the confusion but they both beat him to it and knock him out With the last of the brother’s defeated and the henchmen fleeing from the town, Rio hoasts the body of the oldest brother (now tied up) and claims to wait for those slow marines to take them in. The people celebrate and Flint who is injured and carried by one of the men thanks them both for what they’ve done, but Rio claims he was just returning the favor. At night, as Rio decides to spend one more night to recover, Hibiki throws something at him which he catches a bag full of money that Hibiki claims is the reward for taking them down, Rio’s half. Rio puts it aside and thanks him while Hibiki stands at the foot of the building, asking why he helped them. Rio poses the same question and Hibiki just claims that he owes a debt to them and wanted to repay it, before Rio admits to the same scenario. Hibiki jumps up and aims his sword at him, declaring that they were his kill and Rio must forfeit his life for it but Rio refuses, saying he can’t die until he accomplishes his dream. After explaining about the TOB, Hibiki also admits that he’s looking for something in the Grand Line, or someone. Rio suggests coming along since they could bust some heads along the way, but Hibiki refuses saying he’s more interested in killing him. Thinking of an idea, Rio suggests that after they find the Tower and he accomplishes his dream, he’ll let Hibiki kill him which satisfies Hibiki long enough for him to join in a temporary alliance. The next day at the harbor, the village packs a new boat (one that is sturdier than the last one) and some supplies on it and wish them the best of luck on their trip, before Rio turns around and gives Celia his trademark pose that she now copies and he says “Reach for the Sky” and with that, takes off with Hibiki for Antitlos Island in search of a Navigator (as suggested by Flint).