| - In 2364, the planet Tenara came under attack from the M'dok Empire. The Federation deployed the USS Centurion, a ship manned solely by Magna Romans, to ward off the threat, but the Centurion is attacked by a M'dok battleship. The Centurion issued a distress call and the USS Enterprise-D responded. When the Enterprise arrived it discovered that the Centurion was victorious and the M'dok warship was destroyed. Starfleet Command then assigned both ships to protect the planet and Captains Picard and Sejanus soon learned that the M'dok have been eating the villagers from villages they have raided. This discovery led to the deployment of a planetary defense grid that includes satellites and ground based weaponry. As the security forces deployed the weaponry, Sejanus sent his cousin, Marcus Volcinius, to Tenara to reeducate the population and turn them from a peace loving society into a warlike one. This began with Volcinius taking over a small schoolroom and teaching the children Magna Roman history. Volcinius was eventually discovered by Gretna Melkinata but he convinced her that he had the approval of the government, leading her to turn against the Federation presence on Tenara. In the meantime, two M'dok warships had arrived in orbit of Tenara and were being followed by the Enterprise to ensure that they didn't attack the planet. Eventually, one ship left and then Sejanus grew impatient and attacked the remaining warship. The ship was destroyed, but another M'dok ship had snuck onto the planet. The crew from this ship went on a rampage and attacked Zhelnogra, the Tenaran capital, killing many people. After the battle, Gaius Aldus, first officer of the Centurion, discovered Volcinius's illicit activities and confronted Captain Sejanus. Sejanus killed Aldus and claimed that Aldus had committed suicide. Sejanus then attempted to use Aldus's close confidant from the Enterprise, Jenny de Luz, to gain access to the Enterprise's prefix code, but instead she arrested him. At the same time Worf discovered Volcinius's activities and arrested the Magna Roman. Captain Picard planned to have Sejanus court martialed, but the man was able to escape custody and leave aboard the Centurion.