RiverClan; Leader; Shiningstar- golden brown tabby tom with blue eyes. Deputy; Shimmerfish- silver tabby she-cat with green eyes Medicine cat; Larkwing- black-and-white tom Warriors; Mistleaf- silvery-white she-cat with amber eyes. Apprentice, Stonepaw. Reedfoot-pale brown tabby tom with white feet Quickbird- wiry grey tom with yellow eyes. Apprentice, Flashpaw. Shadefur- black-and-white tom with blue eyes Dapplewhisker- ginger-and-grey she-cat. Apprentice, Petalpaw. Oakstorm- light brown she-cat with blue eyes. Rushingfall- grey-and-white she-cat with green eyes Grassfur- grey tom with green eyes
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| - RiverClan; Leader; Shiningstar- golden brown tabby tom with blue eyes. Deputy; Shimmerfish- silver tabby she-cat with green eyes Medicine cat; Larkwing- black-and-white tom Warriors; Mistleaf- silvery-white she-cat with amber eyes. Apprentice, Stonepaw. Reedfoot-pale brown tabby tom with white feet Quickbird- wiry grey tom with yellow eyes. Apprentice, Flashpaw. Shadefur- black-and-white tom with blue eyes Dapplewhisker- ginger-and-grey she-cat. Apprentice, Petalpaw. Oakstorm- light brown she-cat with blue eyes. Rushingfall- grey-and-white she-cat with green eyes Grassfur- grey tom with green eyes
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| - RiverClan; Leader; Shiningstar- golden brown tabby tom with blue eyes. Deputy; Shimmerfish- silver tabby she-cat with green eyes Medicine cat; Larkwing- black-and-white tom Warriors; Mistleaf- silvery-white she-cat with amber eyes. Apprentice, Stonepaw. Reedfoot-pale brown tabby tom with white feet Quickbird- wiry grey tom with yellow eyes. Apprentice, Flashpaw. Shadefur- black-and-white tom with blue eyes Dapplewhisker- ginger-and-grey she-cat. Apprentice, Petalpaw. Oakstorm- light brown she-cat with blue eyes. Rushingfall- grey-and-white she-cat with green eyes Grassfur- grey tom with green eyes Troutleap- cream-colored tom with amber eyes. Apprentice, Cinderpaw. Cloudnose- white tom. Stonepaw- slender tabby-and-white she-cat with blue eyes. Petalpaw- small ginger-and-black she-cat with blue eyes Cinderpaw- bulky mottled grey she-cat with orange eyes. Flashpaw- handsome dark red tom. Brightfur- ginger-and-white she-cat ( Mother to Fleckkit- brown tom with white spots) Wolfsnout- grey-and-white she-cat Frogleap- ash-colored tom. Frost Fang- broad-shouldered grey tom with white patches and icy blue eyes. Snowy Bird- young white she-cat with green eyes Yellow Tooth: silver tabby she-cat with gnarled yellow fangs Falling Oak- brown tabby tom with dark eyes Tabby Tail- white tom with a grey striped tail. Cloudy Sun- black tom with hazy yellow eyes Robin's Song- dark ginger she-cat with blue eyes. Running Hare: wiry tabby tom, amber eyes. Calm River: Tortoiseshell-and-black she-cat with pale blue eyes. Shaded Muzzle: pale tabby tom with a darker muzzle. Dry Leaf: Small tortoiseshell she-kit with green eyes Crackling Leaf: Pale tortoiseshell she-kit with green eyes. Floating Leaf: Tortoiseshell she-kit with green eyes Russet Leaf: Black-white-and-ginger tom-kit with green eyes. Leader: Lilystar- pale-grey tending to silver she-cat. Slender and lithe build, white paws, light underbelly and cool blue eyes. Deputy: Furtuft- ginger tom with a fluffy head. Apprentice, Volepaw. Medicine Cat: Swiftwater- milky-grey she-cat with amber eyes.