Cantors (Japanese: イムプレカ, Imupureka) are huge four-armed creatures in Xenoblade Chronicles X. They can be considered counterparts to the Simius.
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- Cantor
- Cantor
- Cantor
| - Cantors (Japanese: イムプレカ, Imupureka) are huge four-armed creatures in Xenoblade Chronicles X. They can be considered counterparts to the Simius.
- Su nombre proviene de Cantor=cantor
- Ellos aparecen en diversas variaciones: Sexton, Cantor y Heirophant. Sacristanes tienen la oportunidad de hacer daño de relámpago. Los cantores y hierofantes tienen la oportunidad de hacer daño frío. En el infierno (Dificultad), Cantor son inmunes a los rayos, mientras tanto Sexton y Heirophant son inmunes a la Cold.
- Cantor is a legate mentioned in the Damaged digsite letter. He was the head of legion XVIII and alive at the time of the letter's writing.
- They appear in several variations: Sexton, Cantor and Heirophant. Sextons have a chance to deal Lightning damage. Cantors and Hierophants have a chance to deal Cold damage. On Hell (Difficulty), Cantor are immune to Lightning while both Sexton and Heirophant are immune to Cold.
- Cantor was a political pollster in the Protectorate of Grayson in the 20th Century PD, with a reputation of being in the pocket of Samuel Mueller, Steadholder Mueller. (HH9)
- Cantor is een praesidiumfunctie. De cantor is degene die samen met de praeses de cantus voorzit. De cantor is bij voorkeur iemand met veel cantuservaring en/of een uitgebreide kennis van de cantusliederen. De meeste cantoren van de KDA zijn prosenioren. KDA Cantoren: Deze lijst is niet volledig. Gelieve hem aan te passen.
- A cantor, also called a chanter (in Greek, ψάλτης, psaltis; in Slavonic, Пѣвецъ, pievets), is a lay person in minor orders who chants responses and hymns in the services of the church. Particularly in the Byzantine tradition, the cantor in charge of doing the music for a service is referred to as the protopsaltis (προτοψάλτης), a term which may also refer to an office within a diocese or whole jurisdiction. In churches of the Greek tradition, cantors and men who sing at the kliros will often wear an exorasson.
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| - Cantors (Japanese: イムプレカ, Imupureka) are huge four-armed creatures in Xenoblade Chronicles X. They can be considered counterparts to the Simius.
- Su nombre proviene de Cantor=cantor
- Cantor is een praesidiumfunctie. De cantor is degene die samen met de praeses de cantus voorzit. De cantor is bij voorkeur iemand met veel cantuservaring en/of een uitgebreide kennis van de cantusliederen. De meeste cantoren van de KDA zijn prosenioren. KDA Cantoren:
* 2015-2016 : Bart Verlinden
* 2014-2015 : Elias De Vos
* 2013-2014 : Elias Verschaeren
* 2012-2013 : Wim Van Beek
* 2011-2012 : Nicky Couwels
* 2010-2011 : Dries Oeyen
* 2009-2010 : Elizabeth Van Rossem
* 2008-2009 : Annelies Cassiers
* 2007-2008 : Nils Van de Velden
* 2006-2007 : Nils Van de Velden
* 2005-2006 : Hans D'Hondt
* 2004-2005 : Evi Bultinck
* 2003-2004 : Evi Bultinck
* 2002-2003 : Kurt Lebeau
* 2001-2002 : Sven Serneels
* 2000-2001 : Jef Van Gils
* 1999-2000 : Ludovic Monheim (tot 28 oktober)
* 1998-1999 : An Janssens (tot 2 maart)
* 1997-1998 : ???
* 1996-1997 : Eric Jan Cools
* 1995-1996 : Gunther Guetens
* 1994-1995 : Gunther Guetens
* 1993-1994 : Kurt Eyckmans
* 1992-1993 : Filip Delalieux
* 1991-1992 : Steven Truyen
* 1990-1991 : ???
* 1989-1990 : ???
* 1988-1989 : ???
* 1987-1988 : ???
* 1986-1987 : ???
* 1985-1986 : Jef De Smedt
* 1984-1985 : ???
* 1983-1984 : Peter De Hulsters
* 1982-1983 : Peter De Hulsters
* 1981-1982 : Peter De Hulsters
* 1980-1981 : Philip Vermijlen
* 1979-1980 : ???
* 1978-1979 : ???
* 1977-1978 : ???
* 1976-1977 : ???
* 1975-1976 : ???
* 1974-1975 : ???
* 1973-1974 : ???
* 1972-1973 : ???
* 1971-1972 : ???
* 1970-1971 : ???
* 1969-1970 : ???
* 1968-1969 : ???
* 1967-1968 : ???
* 1966-1967 : ???
* 1965-1966 : ??? Deze lijst is niet volledig. Gelieve hem aan te passen.
- Ellos aparecen en diversas variaciones: Sexton, Cantor y Heirophant. Sacristanes tienen la oportunidad de hacer daño de relámpago. Los cantores y hierofantes tienen la oportunidad de hacer daño frío. En el infierno (Dificultad), Cantor son inmunes a los rayos, mientras tanto Sexton y Heirophant son inmunes a la Cold.
- A cantor, also called a chanter (in Greek, ψάλτης, psaltis; in Slavonic, Пѣвецъ, pievets), is a lay person in minor orders who chants responses and hymns in the services of the church. Particularly in the Byzantine tradition, the cantor in charge of doing the music for a service is referred to as the protopsaltis (προτοψάλτης), a term which may also refer to an office within a diocese or whole jurisdiction. In modern use, the role of the cantor has been replaced in some traditions by choirs. In this setting, the cantor is sometimes considered the choir director or the person to lead in congregational singing. In churches of the Greek tradition, cantors and men who sing at the kliros will often wear an exorasson.
- Cantor is a legate mentioned in the Damaged digsite letter. He was the head of legion XVIII and alive at the time of the letter's writing.
- They appear in several variations: Sexton, Cantor and Heirophant. Sextons have a chance to deal Lightning damage. Cantors and Hierophants have a chance to deal Cold damage. On Hell (Difficulty), Cantor are immune to Lightning while both Sexton and Heirophant are immune to Cold.
- Cantor was a political pollster in the Protectorate of Grayson in the 20th Century PD, with a reputation of being in the pocket of Samuel Mueller, Steadholder Mueller. (HH9)
is Monster
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