| - Despite being a cruel deconstruction of the Magical Girl genre, Puella Magi Madoka Magica has a surprising amount of memes in the anime. Because being meguca is suffering...
* The meme. Explanation:The explanation behind the meme.
* Further mutations and successor memes, if any.
* Deny the obvious, uphold the inane!
* HEADCHOMP and variations.
* Headless Mami. There's more merchandise of her than you can shake a musket at.
* Even the ANN has made a crack at this scene when announcing that Mami would adorn her own cake starting in April 2012: The Mami figure is not edible.
* Fanartists have developed a streak of Black Comedy when it comes to depicting Mami post episode 3, in particular showing her with Celty.
* The victim of that scene has practically verbified; "to Mami" can now mean to Off with His Head.
* Kyubey stares into your soul. /人◕‿‿◕人\\
* He also wants you to save a bunch of money on your car insurance, which is a whole other can of memes.
* "I don't understand this at all" - said by Kyubey quite a few times emotionlessly when he fails to understand why humans would consider certain traumatic experiences or revelations traumatic.
* Everybody Hates Kyubey
* "Let's make a contract?" (Link has NSFW advertisements.)
* It should be noted that Kyubey is a Fountain of Memes
* In Japan (real life), you eat cake. In Soviet Russia (magical world), cake eats YOU!!
* I r in ur magical anime, KILLIN UR MAGICAL GIRLZ.
* Because of the general depressing and horrific nature of the show, the "MORNING RESCUE" Japanese commercial that a certain fansubbing group left in has been the only thing considered as a safe haven. Taken to its logical conclusion. (Spoilers in both links!)
* ...And conversely, a certain WMG that Morning Rescue is actually LCL has shattered what little refuge was previously believed to exist. NO ESCAPE.
* And now J-List has started carrying Morning Rescue, specifically because of the meme.
* Just to let you not escape Kyubey just changed Morning Rescue to Morning ResKYUBEY.
* "being meguca is suffering..."
* Some lines from the Meduka Meguca "series" have become particularly memetic:
* "mumi why"
* "do not throw souls!"
* Referring to Walpurgis Night as "Brazilian Night" and rendering her laugh as "huehuehuehuehue huahuahuahuahua".
* "being _____ is suffering..."
* We need to go wider. WIIIIIIIDER.
* Homerun-chan
* Homu homu
* Homura, for one reason or another, is often drawn with cat ears. Sometimes this spills over into a full-blown Little Bit Beastly portrayal.
* After people clamoring over the Fridge Logic/Horror of Sayaka's body still being in that hotel room: Weekend at Sayaka's.
* Episode 11 softens it somewhat: It's shown that her body was found.
* "If I wished for it, would Kyubey let me fuck him/her/it?", accompanied by a cropped image of Kyubey porn. And yes, not only does it exist, there is also a disturbing large amount of it.
* Misspelling "Walpurgis Night", e.g. Whatsburger Night, Walmart Night, Walrus Night, Walt Disney Night, Brazilian Night, Walgreens Night...
* "That won't be necessary"
* In Episode 4, Madoka finds Hitomi being controlled by a witch. When Madoka attempts to run away, Hitomi stops her by slamming her in the stomach. Now most fanart with her in it somehow involve tummy punching.
* Early on, the "Speculah" meme was brought over from Sora no Woto and is proudly used in the Puella Magi wiki.
* After the finale came out in April 2011, there's suddenly a lot of noise about NAKED LESBIAN SPACE HUGS and Magodka/Godoka/Madokami.
* The Church of Madoka/Madoka died for your sins./Do you accept Madoka as your Lord and Savior?
* Serial Experiments Madoka/Homura May Cry
* I am Penitent Gretchen, or rather, Kriemhild Gretchen as she should have been.
* The finale is often referred to as End of Madoka due to the similarities between End of Evangelion and it.
* Madoka Old Spice
* Unlimited _____ Works
* On that last one: Unlimited Explosives Don't Work
* Perverted Homura - (NSFW)
* Then after the finale, a whole slew of fanart appeared depicting goddess!Madoka turning the tables on Homura, usually by using her omniscience to peep on her.
* Tiro Finale (Physical)
* Mami's mammies.
* LOVE ME DO! ↖( *´ 3`*)ノ
* Poorfag/Poor-chan and Failurefag. Poor-chan in particular has gotten fanart, comics, Puella Magi and witch forms, shipped with Mami or Kyouko, and a series of stories on 4Chan about her Perpetual Poverty. You could say she's the Madoka equivalent to Derpy Hooves.
* Cake Planet.
* I was... such a fool/I was... such an idiot:
* MadoTitus
* Homura Spallow
* Yeah, it's that kind of show.
* You're mine Madoka, mine, mine, mine.
* Mami is forever alone/lonely Mami is lonely.
* Girls can't love girls!