Halo: Fall of Reach - Invasion is the third and final story arc in Halo: Fall of Reach, an upcoming series of a comic book adaptation of the novel Halo: The Fall of Reach. This series will be published by Marvel Comics in conjunction with 343 Industries, and written by Brian Reed with art by Felix Ruiz. Invasion follows the second story arc, Covenant, and covers the time period of the Fall of Reach and the events leading up to Halo: Combat Evolved. The story arc is named after the Fall of Reach where it was invaded and annihilated by the Covenant in the concluding events of the story.
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| - Halo: Fall of Reach - Invasion
| - Halo: Fall of Reach - Invasion is the third and final story arc in Halo: Fall of Reach, an upcoming series of a comic book adaptation of the novel Halo: The Fall of Reach. This series will be published by Marvel Comics in conjunction with 343 Industries, and written by Brian Reed with art by Felix Ruiz. Invasion follows the second story arc, Covenant, and covers the time period of the Fall of Reach and the events leading up to Halo: Combat Evolved. The story arc is named after the Fall of Reach where it was invaded and annihilated by the Covenant in the concluding events of the story.
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Date Released
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| - Halo: Fall of Reach - Invasion
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| - *Brian Reed
*Felix Ruiz
*Val Staples
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| - Marvel Comics and 343 Industries
| - Halo: Fall of Reach - Invasion is the third and final story arc in Halo: Fall of Reach, an upcoming series of a comic book adaptation of the novel Halo: The Fall of Reach. This series will be published by Marvel Comics in conjunction with 343 Industries, and written by Brian Reed with art by Felix Ruiz. Invasion follows the second story arc, Covenant, and covers the time period of the Fall of Reach and the events leading up to Halo: Combat Evolved. The story arc is named after the Fall of Reach where it was invaded and annihilated by the Covenant in the concluding events of the story.