| - El número (989) es el número natural que sigue al 988 y precede al 990. Categoría:Números
- Lena kann den Schmerz und die Trauer über ihre Fehlgeburt nicht an sich heran lassen. Erst recht traut sie sich nicht, Maximilian davon zu erzählen, weil sie Angst vor seinen Vorwürfen hat. Als Katja die apathische Lena findet, kümmert sie sich um sie. Endlich bricht Lenas Kummer aus ihr heraus, doch sie macht sich selbst schlimme Vorwürfe. Jenny ist entschlossen, ihr altes Leben hinter sich zu lassen, und bereitet ihren Weggang aus Essen vor: Sie transferiert die letzten Gelder auf ein Nummernkonto und bucht mit gefälschtem Pass einen One-Way-Flug nach Südamerika. Doch dann bekommt Axel einen ersten Hinweis auf Jennys Machenschaften. Ben ist überrumpelt, als Vanessa ihn damit konfrontiert, sich nach Katjas Nähe zu sehnen. Auch wenn ihn Vanessas Worte nicht kalt lassen, macht er deutlich,
- Cyrus wanders into his laboratory in his pajamas and notices the door is still open. He hears the phone ringing and goes to answer it. While on the phone, he notices his entire desk is in shambles. Upon further investigation, he finds his broken glasses and an empty bottle of alcohol. On the desk, he finds a note that says "I.O.U. One hundred dollars. John Yaeger." He also finds a book of matches from The Eagle Tavern, and soon realizes he has no idea what happened to him the previous night. Soon there is a knock at the door and a police officer arrives, and he wants to ask Cyrus questions about what happened last night.
| - Cyrus wanders into his laboratory in his pajamas and notices the door is still open. He hears the phone ringing and goes to answer it. While on the phone, he notices his entire desk is in shambles. Upon further investigation, he finds his broken glasses and an empty bottle of alcohol. On the desk, he finds a note that says "I.O.U. One hundred dollars. John Yaeger." He also finds a book of matches from The Eagle Tavern, and soon realizes he has no idea what happened to him the previous night. Soon there is a knock at the door and a police officer arrives, and he wants to ask Cyrus questions about what happened last night. The officer, Frank Paxton, informs him that Sabrina was attacked near Collinwood, but she didn't suffer any injuries. There were various assaults reported around town throughout the night, and the man apparently entered Cyrus' house with a key. The man was described as a big, broad man with a mustache, and was dressed very well. Cyrus assures Frank he will be on the lookout for the unknown culprit. Meanwhile, Sabrina is still in a mild state of shock following her attack. Carolyn is trying to console her, but no avail, saying she only wants to see Cyrus. Soon after, Cyrus enters the room, but Sabrina is still upset and tells Cyrus her engagement ring is missing. Carolyn suggests calling a doctor for Sabrina. As Cyrus goes to the phone, he reaches into his pocket and finds Sabrina's ring. Later that night, Sabrina finally manages to fall asleep and Carolyn leaves. Cyrus realizes the man who attacked Sabrina, as well as the other assaults around town, was him. Carolyn returns to the Loomis House and William is there, dressed very nicely. William tells her he was invited to Collinwood by Alexis. The two argue about the Angelique/Alexis situation, as well as Barnabas, who is still chained up in the basement. Carolyn wants to release him, but William still plans to use him to write a big-selling book. William soon leaves for Collinwood to meet with Quentin. While sleeping, Sabrina has a strange dream where she relives her attack from the previous night. She wakes up abruptly and she screams. William visits Alexis at Collinwood, who apparently has enjoyed his company very much. As Carolyn eavesdrop outside the drawing room doors, William offers to take her out to dinner and show her around the estate. A distraught Carolyn leaves as William and Alexis hold hands. Carolyn goes to Sabrina's house and notices she is missing. Meanwhile, Cyrus is going over his notes from the previous night, but he still can't remember anything. Carolyn shows up and scolds him for leaving Sabrina by herself, and now she is missing. The two decide to stop arguing and go look for her. Sabrina is standing outside the front door at Collinwood, thinking to herself, "This is where it all began." She enters the drawing room and sits down at a table and acts as if she is about to begin a séance.
- El número (989) es el número natural que sigue al 988 y precede al 990. Categoría:Números
- Lena kann den Schmerz und die Trauer über ihre Fehlgeburt nicht an sich heran lassen. Erst recht traut sie sich nicht, Maximilian davon zu erzählen, weil sie Angst vor seinen Vorwürfen hat. Als Katja die apathische Lena findet, kümmert sie sich um sie. Endlich bricht Lenas Kummer aus ihr heraus, doch sie macht sich selbst schlimme Vorwürfe. Jenny ist entschlossen, ihr altes Leben hinter sich zu lassen, und bereitet ihren Weggang aus Essen vor: Sie transferiert die letzten Gelder auf ein Nummernkonto und bucht mit gefälschtem Pass einen One-Way-Flug nach Südamerika. Doch dann bekommt Axel einen ersten Hinweis auf Jennys Machenschaften. Ben ist überrumpelt, als Vanessa ihn damit konfrontiert, sich nach Katjas Nähe zu sehnen. Auch wenn ihn Vanessas Worte nicht kalt lassen, macht er deutlich, dass er Isabelle heiraten will und seinen freundschaftlichen Gefühlen für Katja keine größere Bedeutung beimisst. Entschlossen konzentriert er sich wieder ganz auf Isabelle.