| - Do not attempt hiding behind a transport from rhino's charge: its hit will send the car flying, crushing anything in its path to death. Any obstacle that is not a tree, rock or sandbags will be trampled and destroyed without the beast even slowing down. Rhinos are the most resilient animals in Far Cry 4, able to withstand even more damage than elephants: they are nearly impervious to bullets and blades, and it requires 80 rounds of AK-47 fire to the torso at close range to bring one down. Arrows deal below average damage, and do grant clean kills, as well as throwing knifes; explosives work fine, but will not let the player obtain any hides. The only weapons reliably effective against a rhino are machineguns (including stationary turrets), AMR and shotguns. Using an Elephant mount with these weapons being the most effective and safe method. SPAS-12 or a D2 would be the best weapon to hunt a rhino. Another good choice would be a .700 Nitro. Or three direct hits from a powerful sniper rifle (from a distance), as well as a single shot to the head with the SA-50 (it must be to the head as body shots are ineffective)
* High attack damage
* Territorial
* High defense against guns, explosives, cars, etc.
* Low agility
* Wide turning circle
* Neutral from a distance