| - Official Java API
- java (בעברית טקינע: קפה) היא שפה מעצבנת שנבנתה ע"י חברה מבולגנת מאוד
- Java(язык программирования) - это язык высокого уровня. Он относится к семейству смещанных языков. Позволяет использовать несколько стилей программирование Си и при этом перенял множество его недостатков. Язык Java подразумевает, что мы занимаемся только ООП. Кроме того считается, что по простоте и изучению и разработке Java превоскохит все языки. Это очень молодой язык, он появился в 1995 году.
- Java es una plataforma virtual de software desarrollada por Sun Microsystems, de tal manera que los programas creados en ella puedan ejecutarse sin cambios en diferentes tipos de arquitecturas y dispositivos computacionales ( "Diferentes plataformas"). La plataforma Java consta de las siguientes partes:
* El lenguaje de programación, mismo.
* La máquina virtual de Java o JRE, que permite la portabilidad en ejecución.
* El API Java, una biblioteca estándar para el lenguaje.
- Il Java (inglesizzazione di "già, va?") è un linguaggio di programmazione creato con lo scopo di essere maledetto da ogni persona esistente.
- After Billie Jenkins found and freed her sister, the Scather Demons summoned the Triad and later tried to get her back. For their failure, Java was vanquished by Candor shooting fire from his eyes, while the rest of the clan was later vanquished by Billie and Christy.
- Java Foxwing is a Pilgrim in the underworld. She traveled with two other bats, Nemo and Yorick. She is a kind bat who will not hesitate to help those in need, much to Yorick's dismay on several occasions.
- Java can run on most popular operating systems as it compiles code into platform independent, low-level byte-code via the Java Virtual Machine that (which is platform specific) translates this byte-code into native instructions. Java is the programming language in which RuneScape's game engine is mostly written though it should not be confused with RuneScript, the scripting language that Jagex uses to create new content for RuneScape.
- Java is made by Sun Microsystems that is a special programming language, which can connect to IRC.
- Java is an old, retired adventurer. He has a reputation for being a little eccentric as he goes around all day wearing knight's armour and holding a lance. If you ask him he will say that he is still an active adventurer. Java lives near Leck Mines but takes the steam train every day into Parm to visit the Underground Café. Java still has an old Steamer pass but he never uses it anymore.
- Overview • Discuss! • Hotels • Restaurants • Photo gallery • Attractions • Shopping • Transport • Numbers to know • Maps • Everything else • External resources
- Java – środowisko programistyczne oparte na prehistorycznym Pascalu, inaczej zwane PaskalPrim, a pieszczotliwie zwany Paszczakiem. Przez ekspertów uważana za najseksowniejszy język programowania świata – dzięki funkcji getStringFromObj(). Pozwala na odpalanie programów na dowolnej maszynie: pralce, zmywarce, przepływowym ogrzewaczu wody.
- Java ist der Name einer Insel in Indonesien. Darüber hinaus wird der Begriff als Name verschiedener Elefanten gebraucht, und zwar von
* Java, der Asiatischen Elefantenkuh im Zoo Lyon (Frankreich);
* Java, dem Afrikanischen Elefantenbullen in der Zoosafari Fasano (Italien).
- Java is a song in Mafia II.
- Java was Simon Stagg's oafish gofer.
- Java® is
- Java jest przypominającym C++ językiem programowania nowej generacji. Został stworzony przez grupę roboczą pod kierunkiem Jamesa Goslinga z firmy Sun Microsystems. Programy w Javie są niezależne od platformy sprzętowej (Windows 7 / Vista / XP / 2008 / 2003 / 2000, Solaris, Linux, Mac OS X).
- Είναι μια γλώσσα προγραμματισμού.
- Formed mostly as the result of volcanic eruptions, Java is the 13th largest island in the world and the fifth largest in Indonesia. It is divided into four provinces - West Java, Central Java, East Java, and Banten - and also two special regions, Jakarta and Yogyakarta.
- The complete Java guide
- The computer language that TripleA is written in.
- Java is a high-level programming language developed by Sun Microsystems. Java is a highly flexible and portable Object-Oriented programming language that is most popular for it's Java Virtual Machine feature, which allows it to run on virtually any hardware or software (to some extent). The syntax that Java uses is very similar to that of C/C++. Java is one of the fastest growing programming languages today due to its high flexibility and portability. It can be found in a variety of devices, including: personal computers, mobile phones, cars, televisions, dvd players and mp3 players.
- Java is an open-source object-oriented programming language, cross-platform thanks to its virtual machine.
- Java is a program language created by Sun, that lets almost anyone to program cool stuff. Unlike flash, Java is open source and free (although it is copyrighted). Java is also an island in the Pacific Ocean. Java is the capital of Indonesia.
- JAVA is an Estate Sim owned by walkerman Horus. Most of the island is in a New Orleans theme - it also contains a sandbox.
- hiu
- java is a object oriented programming language.
- 220px|right Java je problémovací jazyk patriaci k spodine. Je spodinou iba preto, lebo pracuje na najnižšej úrovni procesora, t.j. programujete v strojovom kóde. Úžasne vtipná myšlienka, čo?
- The island of Java is an island of Indonesia. When Indy and Remy were trying to track down the diamond known as the Peacock's Eye after World War I, they followed the German Zyke, who they suspected of knowing its whereabouts, all the way from Egypt to Java by boarding the same ocean liner in disguise.
- Java, officially the Republic of Java (Javanese: Republik Jawa) is a country in Southeast Asia located on the island of Java and shares a border with Aceh via a bridge that connects the two island nations. Its capital is Jakarta.
- Java Frappe|thumb|Το ελληνικό σήμα H Java (η αλλιώς Ιάβα) είναι μια γλώσσα προγραμματισμού που βασίζεται στον καφέ (εξού και το σήμα της Java). Δημιουργήθηκε το 1995 από τα Ηλιακά Μικροσυστήματα ως μέρος της πλατφόρμας του Ήλιου με κωδική ονομασία Java (τι άλλο;). Μοιάζει πολύ με την C, την C++ και την C--, αλλά λόγω της απουσίας low-level προγραμματισμού, την κάνει ιδανική για αρχάριους προγραμματιστές. Ένα πέπλο μυστυρίου τυλίγει το λόγο που τα Ηλιακά Μικροσυστήματα έχουν κάνει την Java αναπόσπαστο κομμάτι του υπέρ-λειτουργικού τους Ψωλάρις. Κάθε ελπίδα λύσης του μυστηρίου έσβησε, όταν τελείωσαν τα γυρίσματα του Ιντιάνα Τζόουνς 4 (IV).
- «Java» — одна из песен в саундтреке «Mafia Ⅱ».
- Java is a programming language developed released in 1995 by Sun Microsystems. Java applications are compiled into bytecode and runs on top of a virtual machine and so can be executed on a wide varierty of systems. Java has been open sourced which means that all Open Source Operating Systems can distribute it
- Java ist eine mittelgroße Raumkolonie auf Prima Cenutris dem 12. Mond des Planeten Odin 4 mit den Sternenkoorinaten 14890AU149DD01478630AF;8794JU583AI948781GH;31034KP246KB719244ZI. Amtssprache ist Javanisch. Gegründet wurde die Kolonie von Dieter Bohlen und Verona Feldbusch im Jahre 911 vor unserer (ford'schen) Zeitrechnung, nachdem sie von ihrem Heimatplaneten Erde verbannt wurden. Durch Inzest schafften es die o.g. Gründer eine Population von c.a. 500.000,00 Einwohnern zu erreichen. Die jährliche Zuwachsformel lautet x²+x Einwohner.
- Java is the popular software platform and language that BALL is implemented in. It is developed by Shit Microsystems.
- Pour information, Java fut accusé en 2003 par Atros d'avoir envoyé en dépression quatre de leurs développeurs qui travaillaient sur un projet Java. En effet, à force de boire du café durant le temps de compilation, les employés étaient sur les nerfs avant de craquer. Heureusement M. Crouton, avocat, utilisa la méthode chewbaccka pour convaincre les jurés que cette histoire n'avait aucun sens.
- thumb|86px|logo van Java Java is een programmeertaal, ontworpen door het bedrijf Sun Microsystems. De ontwikkelaars van de taal Java (de eerste naam was "oak") waren zo verzot op het stimulerende middel koffie dat ze hun nieuwe taal naar hun favoriete soort koffie genoemd hebben.
- Java is the programming language which most RuneScape Private Servers are coded in, and is similar to C and C++. It is fairly easy to use and understand, and even basic knowledge of Java is necessary when attempting to edit and run your own server.
- center Java (자바) 는 썬 마이크로시스템즈의 제임스 아서 고슬링과 다른 여러 연구원들이 개발하여 1995년에 발표된 객체-지향 프로그래밍 언어입니다.
- Java,
* 參照:『維基百科~Java_(programming_language)』
* 參照:『維基百科~Java_syntax』
* 參照:『維基百科~Portal:Java』
- Java is a still around place in Impossible pictures. It is home to the Javan Rhinos, Crocodiles and monkeys
- Java 7 wa not dû abol tu iksikyut on Chrome für Mac dè 32-bit , bùt keyi on 64-bit. Bùt Java dè websàit wa not dû abol tu aidentifai 64-bit na Chromium fur Mac.
- Java is een programmeertaal. De ontwikkeltaal van SAP heet ABAP, maar SAP is bezig om veel functionaliteit in Java te schrijven.
- Dans un premier temps, le langage s’appelait Oak (« Chêne »), mais ce nom étant déjà utilisé, il a été renommé Java.
- Java is a virtual machine environment that is distributed primary by Sun. It consists of the JRE and the JDK. Although IBM and GNU make Java run-time environments, Sun's is the most common.
- Java refers to a number of computer software products and specifications from Sun Microsystems that together provide a system for developing application software and deploying it in a cross-platform environment. Java is used in a wide variety of computing platforms from embedded devices and mobile phones on the low end, to enterprise servers and supercomputers on the high end. Java is nearly ubiquitous in mobile phones, Web servers and enterprise applications, and while less common on desktop computers, Java applets are often used to provide improved functionality while browsing the World Wide Web. Jagex has implemented Java into almost all of their games, hence their former name Java Gaming EXperts.
- Tremendous productivity gains can be realized with Java, particularly when the work was previously done with small reptiles or amphibians. Many individual Java programmers claim that it is the very best technology available, particularly when they don't know anything else.
- Java is a programming language originally developed by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems (which is now a subsidiary of Oracle Corporation) and released in 1995 as a core component of Sun Microsystems' Java platform. The language derives much of its syntax from C and C++ but has a simpler object model and fewer low-level facilities. Java applications are typically compiled to bytecode (class file) that can run on any Java Virtual Machine (JVM) regardless of computer architecture.
- Java или Джава е обектно-ориентиран език за програмиране. Кодът, написан на Java не се компилира до машинен код за определен процесор, а до специфичен за езика код, наречен байт код. Поради това за изпълнението на програма, написана на Java е необходима т. нар. Виртуална машина . Виртуалната машина, тоест - това, което трябва да имате, за да можете да стартирате джава програми, се нарича Java Runtime Environment, съкратено JRE. JRE е средата в която се изпълняват Java-програми и е също толкова важна, колкото и самия език. Тегли се оттук.
- Java is the 200,000 year-old caveman, a friend and aide-de-camp to Martin and Diana who works at Torrington as a cook and a janitor. He assists them in their investigations, with his brute strength being useful when battling monstrous foes or breaking through barriers, and also serves as the team's tracker. A lover of lizards and spiders, Java nevertheless has fears of cats, heights, and technology. Also the member in the trio who speaks the least, his English is spoken on a fairly simplistic level (i.e. "What that?", "Diana bald", and "Java no like this place"). Although Java appears to be unintelligent, he is actually very observant on occasions, example: Once when he Martin and Diana were trapped in an electric-like sphere by M.O.M (she was evil at the time), Java saw that the watch's e
- Java hated Ebony because of what she did when she and Siva were Locos. Java and Siva had different dad to Ebony. Java loved Ram and in the end they made love in the barn before she is killed by Ebony. Java is seen to be complex, difficult to get along with, and very determined, but she also has a softer side when with those that she loves, such as Ram or Jay. She is similar to Ebony (despite her hatred for her) in the way that she cheats and deceives others to gain what she wants. She is seen as hard to read and easily irritable. She's fearful of Ram, but she loves him. She also loves Jay, and her hatred for Ebony grows when Ebony begins to date him. Before Ebony and Jay got together, she flirted with Jay, telling him that she knew he was attracted to her, and she was attracted to him as w
- Java is an island of Indonesia. With a population of 135 million (excluding the 3.6 million on the island of Madura which is administered as part of the provinces of Java), Java is the world's most populous island, and one of the most densely populated places in the world. Java is the home of 60 percent of the Indonesian population. The Indonesian capital city, Jakarta, is located on western Java. Much of Indonesian history took place on Java. It was the center of powerful Hindu-Buddhist empires, the Islamic sultanates, and the core of the colonial Dutch East Indies. Java was also the center of the Indonesian struggle for independence during the 1930s and 40s. Java dominates Indonesia politically, economically and culturally.
- Java is a programming language originally developed by Sun Microsystems and released in 1995 as a core component of Sun's Java platform. The language derives much of its Syntax from C and C++ but has a simpler object model and fewer low-level facilities. Java applications are typically compiled to bytecode which can run on any Java virtual machine (JVM) regardless of computer architecture. Java's design, industry backing and portability have made Java one of the fastest-growing and most widely used programming languages in the modern computing industry.
- Java är ett programmeringsspråk som ursprungligen utvecklades av James Gosling på Sun Microsystems och släpptes 1995 som en central del av Sun Microsystems Java-plattform. Java är det programspråk RuneScapes spelmotor är skriven i. Java ska inte förväxlas med RuneScript, det skriptspråk thumbsom Jagex använder för att ska nytt innehåll för RuneScape. användare, så Java som Mac OS X användare får kanske inte den senaste versionen.
- Java is an island of Indonesia. With a population roughly equal to Russia as of 2014, (excluding the 3.7 million on the island of Madura which is administered as part of the province of East Java), Java is the world's most populous island, and one of the most densely populated places in the world. Java is the home of 57 percent of the Indonesian population. The Indonesian capital city, Jakarta, is located on western Java. Much of Indonesian history took place on Java. It was the center of powerful Hindu-Buddhist empires, the Islamic sultanates, and the core of the colonial Dutch East Indies. Java was also the center of the Indonesian struggle for independence during the 1930s and 40s. Java dominates Indonesia politically, economically and culturally.
- "Java" was a composition written and recorded in 1957 by Allan Toussaint (under the slightly-simplified stage name Al Tousan) as an instrumental for piano and orchestra, and released on his LP "The Wild Sound of New Orleans". In 1963, New Orleans trumpet virtuoso Al Hirt transcribed the piano part for trumpet, and recorded the song (with otherwise-unchanged arrangements) on his album "Honey In The Horn". He had a major pop instrumental hit (#4 on the Billboard pop chart) with the song the following year, selling over a million copies of the single and winning a Grammy for Best Instrumental.
- Java was created by James Gosling in June 1991 for use in one of his many set-top box projects. Gosling's goals were to implement a virtual machine and a language that had a familiar C/C++ style of notation. The first public implementation was Java 1.0 in 1995. It promised "Write Once, Run Anywhere" (WORA), providing no-cost runtimes on popular platforms. It was fairly secure and its security was configurable, allowing network and file access to be restricted. Major web browsers soon incorporated the ability to run secure Java applets within web pages. Java quickly became popular. With the advent of Java 2, new versions had multiple configurations built for different types of platforms. For example, J2EE was for enterprise applications and the greatly stripped down version J2ME was for mob
- Java is an object-oriented programming language developed initially by James Gosling and colleagues at Sun Microsystems. The language, initially called Oak (named after the oak trees outside Gosling's office), was intended to replace C++, although the feature set better resembles that of Objective C. Java should not be confused with JavaScript, which shares only the name and a similar C-like syntax. Sun Microsystems currently maintains and updates Java regularly.