| - Justin Hankel is a hardworking pageant consultant, and the manager of Amber Middleberry, Miss Illinois at Baron's All-American Beauty pageant. Unfortunately, as "Pretty Dead" kicks off, Amber has just come down with the lighting and is, beyond doubt, an ex-competitor. Justin, having pinned all his career hopes on her, is visibly and understandably distraught, and regales Castle and Beckett with tales of her sweetness and caring.
| - Justin Hankel is a hardworking pageant consultant, and the manager of Amber Middleberry, Miss Illinois at Baron's All-American Beauty pageant. Unfortunately, as "Pretty Dead" kicks off, Amber has just come down with the lighting and is, beyond doubt, an ex-competitor. Justin, having pinned all his career hopes on her, is visibly and understandably distraught, and regales Castle and Beckett with tales of her sweetness and caring. This, however, doesn't tally with the picture painted by others around the show, and when the dynamic duo discovers that Amber was blackmailing Victor Baron by taking nude pictures of herself at Baron's Hamptons residence in order to be named pageant winner, it becomes clear that Justin had hitched his wagon to a morally dead horse. When interrogated, Justin admitted that he thought Amber's boyfriend, Jeremy Keiper, was blackmailing her. As his last three clients were losers, his career would be over if he went to the cops, so Justin instead decided to confront Jeremy himself. Jeremy was unfortunately drunk and got violent, resulting Justin accidentally killing him. When Amber found out, she threatened to turn over him to the cops, forcing Justin to kill her.