| - Howard the Duck is a comic book character published by Marvel Comics, created by Steve Gerber and Val Mayerik in 1973. An anthropomorphic duck living in Cleveland, Ohio, Howard's original design bore similarities to Donald Duck, until threats of a lawsuit from The Walt Disney Company forced Marvel to change his design.
- Howard the Duck was an alien that resembles a duck, drinking on Knowhere and talking with Taneleer Tivan.
- Lucas proposed adapting the surrealist comic book following the production of American Graffiti. After stepping down as the president of Lucasfilm Ltd. to focus on producing he chose to begin production on the film personally. Following multiple production difficulties and mixed response to test screenings, Howard the Duck was released in theaters on August 1, 1986. The film both received extremely negative reviews and became a box office failure. Contemporary critics focused on the decision to shoot the film in live action rather than as an animated film and the appearance of Howard as primary obstacles to the movie's success. More recent commentators tend to focus on issues with the script.
- thumb|265px Howard the Duck es una película estadounidense de comedia y ciencia ficción estrenada en 1986 dirigida por Willard Huyck y producida por George Lucas. Basada en un cómic de Marvel del mismo nombre, creado en 1973 por Steve Gerber y citado por Bill Mantlo, es la primera película que muestra a una figura de Marvel. Protagonizada por Lea Thompson, Jeffrey Jones, Tim Robbins y la voz de Chip Zien como Howard.
- Howard the Duck is published by Marvel Comics. Current price per issue is $3.99.
- Howard the Duck is a Tech type Champion.
- Howard the Duck is an anthropomorphic duck. Little is known about the character. He is popular and possibly fictional. The X-Men member Beast was a fan of Howard and owned a shirt with his likeness wearing a blue suit on it. He wore it to the hospital to visit Jean Grey following the team's shuttle crash.
- Howard the Duck is an anthropomorphic duck, and a former resident specimen in Taneleer Tivan's museum on Knowhere.
- Howard the Duck was a character created by Steve Gerber, debuting in Marvel Comics' Adventure into Fear #19 in 1973.
- Howard the Duck is a character in t he Marvel Universe and an alien from an alternate universe of ducks.
- NC: Hello I'm the Nostalgia Critic, I remember it so you don't have to. A long time ago, a young filmmaker named George Lucas helped create a parallel dimension in a galaxy far, far away. It's a strange world with bizarre aliens and unbelievable creatures. A world that the sci-fi community will never, ever forge- okay the punchline is Howard the Duck.Footage of Howard the Duck begins, and we die a little insideNC (voiceover): For all the strange things that George Lucas has done, whether it be bad, unnecessary or...just downright racist, nothing compares to the weird cinematic bomb that he actually made the strange choice of producing. Howard the Duck.NC: And if you think Jar Jar Binks was bad...he still is. But this is a creation that equally matches that theatrical travesty. So what gave
- NC: Hello, I'm the Nostalgia Critic. I remember it so you don't have to. A long time ago, a young filmmaker named George Lucas helped create a parallel dimension in a galaxy far, far away. It's a strange world with bizarre aliens and unbelievable creatures. A world that the sci-fi community will never, ever forge-- okay, the punch line is Howard the Duck. (Title card and footage of Howard the Duck) (Shots of the Howard the Duck comic) NC: (dripping with sarcasm) Yeah, sounds like a blockbuster to me, too! (normal) Let's take a look. NC: You know, a kid's movie! (A man laughs) Howard: Where am I?