| - Donkey Kong Island (also known as Kong Isle, DK Island or Donkey Kong Country, or Kongo Bongo Island in the animated series) is the Kongs birthplace, home of Donkey Kong and the rest of the Kong Family. It is a key location from the Donkey Kong series.
- Donkey Kong Island stellt eine Insel in der Pilz-Welt dar, die auch Donkey Kong Insel oder in der Fernsehserie Donkey Kongs Abenteuer Kongo Bongo und Kongo Bongo Insel genannt wird. Sie ist die Heimat von Donkey Kong und allen anderen Kongs. Die Insel besitzt die Form des Kopfes von Donkey Kong. Die Insel besitzt ein unglaubliches Klima, bestehend aus Dschungel, kalten Eis- und heißen Sandwüsten.
- Donkey Kong Island is the home of the Kongs and the Animal Buddies. Islands such as Kremlantis and Timber's Island are relatively close to Donkey Kong Island.
- Donkey Kong Island is the name of the island that Donkey and Diddy Kong live on.
- Donkey Kong Island is where Donkey Kong and his friends live. It is where Donkey Kong Continent is started, and is one of its four main worlds. It is a large island with a landform in the shape of Donkey Kong's head in the middle. Cranky's Kemistry also almost takes place completely on DK Island. It uses several areas from past DK games, specifically Donkey Kong 64 and Donkey Kong Continent.
- Donkey Kong Island is the home of the Kong Family, a few of their animal buddies, and several of their enemies. It is also the location where most of the games in the Donkey Kong series take place. It debuted in the game Donkey Kong Country.
- Donkey Kong Island is the home of the Kongs. The island is oddly shaped like Donkey Kong's head, complete with such features as ears and Donkey Kong's signature hair swirl. The island, despite not being extremely large, has drastically different climate in some areas, some areas being jungle, frozen wasteland and desert. Aside from Kremkroc Industries, Inc. and Big Ape City, Donkey Kong Island remains fairly un-modernized. There are several smaller islands near Donkey Kong Island, some of which include Timber's Island and Kremlantis. Also, there are several mysterious ruins (some of which have sunken into the ocean) on the island, it has been speculated that the Kremlings (whose own island was once nearby) may have built these temples, but it is unknown for sure.
- Donkey Kong Island (also called DK Isles, DK Island, The Kingdom of Kong and Kongo Bongo Island in the animated series) is the home of Donkey Kong and the rest of the Kong family. It is a key location from the Donkey Kong Series, and the home of the Kong Family. As such, it is easily one of the most prominent locations in the Mushroom World. Much like the Mushroom Kingdom, the island has enjoyed times of both peace and hardship, mostly due to the evil actions of King K. Rool and the Kremling Krew who once made their home on nearby Crocodile Isle.