| - He was also one of the Barraki, the warlords but was eventually exposed as the traitor for selling the Tablet of Transit to the Brotherhood of Makuta in the past. In reality, Takadox was a double agent who served both side, which he manipulated their actions for the sake of his agenda. However, he eventually became an anti-hero to aid the Toa Masters to stop Teridax.
- Takadox was an ugly insect that was created when a twig and a spiky, slimey, and ugly little insect were fused together with the Spear of Fusion. Takadox liked to boss people around, (Hence the nick-name "Mr Bossy Pants") and had an obsession with wet chickens.
- Takadox to przebiegły i zdradziecki Barraki oraz dawny członek Ligi Sześciu Królestw.
- Takadox was a Hypnovian warlord and former member of the League of Six Kingdoms.
- Takadox ist einer der Barraki, der früher Mitglied der Liga der sechs Königreiche war. Als er Mata Nui stürzen wollte, brachte ihn Botar in die Grube, und wurde vom Orden von Mata Nui für eine Mission geholt, aufder er entkam und frei war.
- Takadox was one of the six Barraki, warlords that were the former leaders of the League of Six Kingdoms, and later a member of an Order of Mata Nui strike team led by Brutaka to find Makuta Miserix. He later fled from Artidax in a ship he stole from the Toa Mahri.
- Takadox es un astuto y traicionero señor de la guerra Barraki y un antiguo miembro de la Liga de los Seis Reinos.
- Takadox was a Barraki warlord and ruler eastern-parts of the Matoran Universe. He also acted as a spy for the Brotherhood of Makuta on the League of the six Kingdoms and betrayed the League to the Brotherhood's army, only to be banished to the Pit.
- Alias No information Origin No information Occupation No information Powers/Skills No information Hobby No information Goals No information Type of Villain No information Takadox is the secondary antagonist alongside Pridak in the BIONICLE 2007 storyline and later villain-turned-anti hero in the 2015 storyline. He is also one of Barraki but in reality, he was a spy for the Brotherhood of Makuta as he played his role as the double agent for both sides.