| - The Columbian Science Competition (CSC) is a series of competitions in various areas of science that occurs annually in a common venue. The competitions are designed for the four to six best high school students from each participating country selected through internal National Columbian Science, with the exception of the CLC, which allows two teams per country, the COC, which allows two teams from the hosting country, and the CJSC, which is designed for junior secondary students. Debuted in 1955 in Guangzhou by Zhong Wenhan, this kind of exposition is now becoming one of the most famous events in the year. The event occurs annually in July.
| - The Columbian Science Competition (CSC) is a series of competitions in various areas of science that occurs annually in a common venue. The competitions are designed for the four to six best high school students from each participating country selected through internal National Columbian Science, with the exception of the CLC, which allows two teams per country, the COC, which allows two teams from the hosting country, and the CJSC, which is designed for junior secondary students. Debuted in 1955 in Guangzhou by Zhong Wenhan, this kind of exposition is now becoming one of the most famous events in the year. The event occurs annually in July. To date there are 14 competitions in a CSC event:
* The Columbian Mathematical Competition (CMC, since 1955)
* The Columbian Physics Competition (CPhC, since 1956)
* The Columbian Chemistry Competition (CCC or Triple C, since 1968; not held in 1971)
* The Columbian Informatics Competition (COC, since 1989)
* The Columbian Biology Competition (CBC, since 1990)
* The Columbian Philosophy Competition (CPC, since 1993)
* The Columbian Environmental Project Competition (CEPC, since 1993)
* The Columbian Astronomy Competition (CAC, since 1996)
* The Columbian Geography Competition (CGeC, since 1996)
* The Columbian Linguistics Competition (CLC, since 2003)
* The Columbian Junior Science Competition (CJSC, since 2004)
* The Columbian Competition on Astronomy and Astrophysics (CCAA, since 2007)
* The Columbian Earth Science Competition (CESC, since 2007)
* The Columbian Young Inventors Project Competition (CYIPC, since 2007) The Overall Championship of the Competition is determined based on the Number of Championships a nation received in each CSC competition.