| - The House of Kahnrah was a Klingon Great House which dated back to the era of Kahless the Unforgettable. By the 23rd century members of the house were predominantly (if not entirely) of the sub-type of Klingons known as QuchHa', Klingons without forehead ridges. (TOS comic: "Against Their Nature") Throughout the latter half of the 23rd century the House was headed by Kahnrah, who served on the Klingon High Council. Other members of the House included: K'ahlynn, Kahnrah's granddaughter; Kagh, Kahnrah's cousin and commander of the IKS Vortha; Kahlor, son of Kolox, first officer to Kor, son of Rynar; Krell, commander of the IKS Korthos; And Gralmek, a distant cousin of the family. (TOS comics: "Against Their Nature", "The Order of Things", "Beneath the Skin") Members of the house recorded their logs and journals in the House's Chronicles. In 2293 Kahnrah studied the House's Chronicles for insights into contact with Humans and the Federation to help him decide on how he should vote in the High Council in relation to Gorkon's proposals for peace talks with the Federation. (TOS comic: "Against Their Nature")