Rigel X is the tenth planet of the Rigel system (or Beta Rigel system). A frozen, inhospitable world, it is nonetheless the location of a colony and trading post and is a member of the United Rigel Colonies. Enterprise (NX-01) visited the planet in 2151 and 2161. (ENT: "Broken Bow", "These Are the Voyages...", Star Trek: Star Charts) After running away from foster care in 2349, fifteen year-old Drake Mallory lived on the streets of Rigel X, until he met Paul Blaisdell. Many years later, he would return there as a private investigator. (Kal-Dixas Spaceport)
Attributes | Values |
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| - Rigel X
- Rigel X
- Rigel X
- Rigel X
- Rigel X
| - right|thumb|200px|Rigel X Planeta. Tiene un centro comercial de 36 niveles donde el Capitán Archer intentó averiguar datos sobre el klingon raptado por los Sulibans.
- Rigel X jest dziesiątą z dwunastu planet w systemie Rigel, położony w Beta Kwadrant.
- Rigel X ist ein Planet im Rigel-System und ist der Standort des Rigel-Handelskomplexes. Der Planet steht unter rigelianischer Hoheit und Verwaltung. Rigel X ist ein unwirtlicher Planet auf dem beinahe permanent Schneestürme und Gewitter toben. 2151 wird er von dem Klingonen Klaang aufgesucht, der dort nach Beweisen für eine Verschwörung der Cabal gegen das Klingonische Reich sucht. Im selben Jahr wird er von der Enterprise (NX-01) auf der Suche nach dem entführten Klaang angesteuert. (ENT: )
- Rigel X is the tenth planet of the Rigel system (or Beta Rigel system). A frozen, inhospitable world, it is nonetheless the location of a colony and trading post and is a member of the United Rigel Colonies. Enterprise (NX-01) visited the planet in 2151 and 2161. (ENT: "Broken Bow", "These Are the Voyages...", Star Trek: Star Charts) After running away from foster care in 2349, fifteen year-old Drake Mallory lived on the streets of Rigel X, until he met Paul Blaisdell. Many years later, he would return there as a private investigator. (Kal-Dixas Spaceport)
- Rigel X was the tenth planet of the Rigel system. A few different versions of Rigel X have been given, and for clarity each is presented separately below. Both Star Charts' Beta Rigel X and the Decipher RPG's moon Rigel XB, aka Kolhor, are intended to be the canon Rigel X seen several times in Star Trek: Enterprise, though differ in that one is a planet, the other a moon, one is a Federation member, the other neutral. By apparent coincidence, this version, particularly Decipher's, is similar in concept to the Rigel IV presented in FASA RPG module: The Orions: Book of Common Knowledge. Though both are gas giants, FASA's Onot is a little smaller than Jupiter, so it likely is not the same as Decipher's double-Jupiter-sized Rigel X. FASA's Rigel X and its moons are the least similar to the
- Rigel X heeft een insektenpopulatie bestaande uit grote vliegen en een variatie aan vlinders. In 2151 bezocht het Aardse sterrenschip Enterprise Rigel X, tijdens hun zoektocht naar Klaang. De Klingon was namelijk ontvoerd door de Suliban cabal. Klaang was al eerder op Rigel X geweest en had hier contact gemaakt met de Suliban afvallige Sarin. (ENT: "Broken Bow")
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Planet Name
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Length of day
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| - Het handelscomplex op Rigel X
land mass
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Equatorial circumference
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Full Name
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Native Species
| - Native species of flies and butterflies
| - Enterprise enters orbit around Rigel X
| - The trade complex on Rigel X
| - Trade complex on Rigel X.jpg
Alternate Name
| - "Rigel X"
- Beta Rigel X
- Onot
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| - 2000000(xsd:integer)
- 35900000(xsd:integer)
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| - RigelX2161.jpg
- RigelXSurface2151.jpg
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