| - Silencers were known by several names, such as World Devastators, World Smashers, World Sweepers, Planet Smashers and City Eaters. No matter what the name was, they all referred to the same design. Devastators were crewed by organics, but their internal systems were controlled by a massive and intelligent droid brain. City Eaters were not limited to planetary combat and could turn their furnaces on enemy capital ships, swallowing them whole. Even Star Destroyer-size ships could not resist them. A final footnote feature of Devastators was four landing claws for use on low-gravity worlds.
| - Silencers were known by several names, such as World Devastators, World Smashers, World Sweepers, Planet Smashers and City Eaters. No matter what the name was, they all referred to the same design. Devastators were crewed by organics, but their internal systems were controlled by a massive and intelligent droid brain. Ships of the class possessed a molecular furnace on their underbellies. This was used in conjunction with 15 tractor beam projectors; the combination of the two would literally tear chunks from the planet surface and feed them to the furnace. Internal factories would process the material into war machines and they could produce most types of ships if given the time. A group of Devastators could even make more devastators if given enough time. These ships carried nearly impenetrable shielding and armor and were loaded out with as many weapons as possible. Each Devastator carried 125 heavy turbolaser cannons, 200 heavy blaster cannons, 80 proton torpedo tubes, which had an unlimited amount of torpedoes due to the internal factories, and 15 heavy ion cannons. City Eaters were not limited to planetary combat and could turn their furnaces on enemy capital ships, swallowing them whole. Even Star Destroyer-size ships could not resist them. A final footnote feature of Devastators was four landing claws for use on low-gravity worlds.