| - Pre-camp exploration is key to knowing where to go to get different resources and where to set up camp. It is a good idea to set camp on the corner of as many Biomes as possible. This will make finding and obtaining materials and different foods easier than being in the centre of a Biome. Also, it will be convenient to make camp near Beefalos or Pigs for Manure. This will make food creation easy and will mean that the player will need to worry less about starving. Consider focusing more on beefalo since pigmen can be relocated later. In addition, enemies, such as Hounds, can be drawn to them in case one is not prepared when they hear warning signs of their approach. For long-term survival, the key part of camp location is considering resource pools that cannot be relocated. Examples of such resources are Reeds, Cacti, rabbit holes, Pig King and beefalo. Keep in mind that being close to non-renewable resources, such as boulders, are not as vital as being close to harvest points that re-spawn. If non-relocatable resources are far away from a base camp, consider building an outpost near that location that can be used during resource trips or build the base near a Worm Hole that is close to the resource needed. However, Forest, Swamp, and Rockyland Biomes are notably difficult to set a base in.
* The vast number of Trees in the Forest can cause an obstruction that the player must chop down. This can be resourceful, but highly irritating. If you create a basic Campfire close to a tree, the fire will spread rapidly and clear a large area for you. You can also light trees with a torch. Chopping the Burnt Trees yields Charcoal for a Crock Pot or Drying Rack.
* The Rockyland Biome's stone ground means that the planting of Berry Bushes, Saplings, Trees and Grass Tufts is impossible. The player may want to make camp just off the edge of this biome, for easy access to Boulders and for farming capability.
* Swamps are to be avoided for camps in early game, due to the occurrence of Tentacles, Merms and Mosquitoes. Do not camp here, unless you have great preparation or it is necessary. However, making a camp next to a swamp is beneficial for quicker access to Reeds. The player should choose wisely before setting a Fire Pit, Science Machine or other utilities of this nature, for they are hard and counter productive to remove once placed.
* Camps are usually circular, centered around a Camp Fire or Fire Pit. This makes it possible to use all your utilities and Farms without having to stray into the dark at night time.