| - The only way to Aleroth is by zeppelin, so talk to Sepp atop Champion Harbour in the Orobas Fjords to be transported there. Proceed north through Aleroth, up the elevator, and continue further north to find Augustus outside the Ministry in the Great Market district. Speak to him to be granted permission to use the nearby waypoint shrine to enter the Ministry (you can also mindread him to gain one stat point). Here you'll meet two wizards, Zandalor and Deodatus. They'll ask for your assistance in closing the Ministry's rifts. Tell Zandalor that you are not ready, then speak to him again, and you can mindread him for 2 skill points. Once you tell him you are ready, you must protect him from getting hit by any monster for a fixed amount of time. For the first couple of portals this is only 15 seconds. For later portals it is increased to 60 seconds. A single hit on Zandalor causes him to start over, resetting the timer. Deodatus will help protect him, but calling your creature and summoning any help (Summon Demon, Summon Ghost, Summon Undead) will make this easier to accomplish. You will receive the Shield when all the rifts are closed, completing the quest. This awards the "Shielded" achievement. Original version: afterwords you can mindread Deodatus to let him sell you all of the Ultimate formulas. Dragon Knight Saga version: You can mindread Deodatus after completing the quest to purchase some powerful, but pricey, unique equipment. While you're here, be sure to take the Dragon Skill Book from an upstairs desk (north side), and loot the upstairs chest (south side) for the Crystal Dragon Claws Piece.