| - Sovani-oriented club.
- Amon (also spelled Aamon or Amaymon, along with many other variations) is a Marquis of Hell. He is the seventh of the 72 Goetic demons who governs forty infernal legions. He appears as a wolf with a snake's tail who can breathe fire, or as a man with dog's teeth who is situated inside of a raven, or as a raven-headed man.
- Amon sind Digimon, die eine Art rote Seele darstellen. Sie gelten innerhalb der Digiwelt als sehr mysteriös und zudem extrem selten. Ihre Körper bestehen aus purem Feuer, sprich purer Energie, weswegen Amon trotz ihrer geringen Größe für die Zerstörung stehen.
- "Amon or Aamon, is a great and mighty marques, and commeth abroad in the likeness of a woolfe, having a serpents taile, spitting out and breathing flames of fire, when he putteth on the shape of a man, he sheweth out dogs teeth, and a great head like to a mighty raven; he is the strongest prince of all other, and understandeth of all things past and come, he procureth favor, and reconcileth both friends and foes, and ruleth fourtie legions
- Amon is a playable female Birdmen character in the games Shining Force: The Legacy of Great Intention and Shining Force: Resurrection of Dark Dragon. She is the sibling of Balbaroy.
- Amon o Amon The Dark Side of The Devilman 「AMONデビルマン黙示録 El lado oscuro de la demonio Amon?」 es un manga creado por Go Nagai en enero de 2000.
- AMON is an artist for the Duel Masters Trading Card Game.
- Amon-Reo, egipte: imn-ra [imen-ra]. Du dioj, kunigitaj al unueco pro identigo de la loka teba dieco Amono kun la dio de suno Reo. Amon-Reo estis la plej grandega dio de la epoko de Nova Reĝolando.
- Amon a Praetor Lupus tagja volt, aki meghalt, amikor Sebastian Morgenstern megtámadta a Praetor-házat.
- Amon was a human male who was a member of the Ordu Aspectu. He died during the Doom of the Ordu Aspectu, which occurred thousands of years before the Battle of Yavin.
- Amon führt pro Runde zwei Angriffe aus. Er kann seine elementare Schwachstelle mittels Barrierenwechsel verändern. In der 3D-Version kann er sich zusätzlich durch Protes schützen und verfügt über Elementarzauber der dritten Stufe. In der NES-Version greift er die Gruppe mit Flammen an.
- Fear runs rampant throughout Tokyo with the revelation that demons in fact exist amongst us. Paranoia and the darker side of humanity boils onto the streets as people turn on one another, suspecting that anyone could in fact be a demon hiding in human clothing. Amidst the growing tensions, tragedy strikes Akira causing his mind to snap, retreating into his subconscious, allowing his Devilish alter-ego Amon to break free from Akira's cage of flesh and wreak havoc on both human and demons alike.
- Amon is a tiny dragon Digimon sealed within Goldramon's right vambrace. It is called "Amon of Red Flame" (紅炎のアモン Kouen no Amon?), and governs over "Destruction". __TOC__
- thumb|350px|Retrato del Magistus Amon. Amon fue el Capitán de la 9ª Hermandad de la Legión de Marines Espaciales de los Mil Hijos durante las últimas fases de la Gran Cruzada. Como miembro veterano de dicha Legión también actuaba como escudero de su Primarca, Magnus el Rojo. Amon, un Astartes bastante misterioso y dado a los secretos, sobrevivió no solo a las batallas de la Cruzada, sino también a las de la Herejía de Horus, convirtiéndose con el tiempo en miembro de la Cábala de Ahriman, y desvaneciéndose de la historia tras el exilio de este.
- Amon is a Twin Blade that joined CC and The World in June of 2007. He has one alternate account, T a b b y (a Heavy Axemen), that he made after a joke from one of his friends that he acted like Tabby from the .hack series, thus he decided to make her. He is also a member of the widely known guild, the Lost Brigade
- Amon è un boss opzionale presente in Final Fantasy III. Amon era un mago dall'aspetto scheletrico e riccamente abbigliato, capace di mutare a piacimento il proprio punto debole. Confinato come spirito all'interno della lama lunare custodita nella terra proibita di Eureka, aveva il compito di sfidare il valore di chiunque volesse impossessarsi dell'arma.
- Amon, born Noatak and later self-proclaimed to be Darth Amon was a Jedi Knight turned Inquisitor and eventually self-proclaimed Sith Lord. Captured by the Sith Lord Darth Sidious and turned to the dark side of the Force as a potential Sith apprentice. Passed over as a Sith in favor of Count Dooku, Noatak was renamed Amon and became one of Sidious' deadliest and most accomplished dark side adepts. Following the Clone Wars, Amon became a high-ranking Inquisitor of the Empire,tasked with rooting out and eliminating survivors of the Great Jedi Purge. Amon was extremely resentful over Sidious' refusal to allow him to become Sith, and secretly studied Sith artifacts and texts in the hopes of one day eliminating Sidious and claiming the mantle of Sith Lord for himself.
- Amon representa la destrucción y está sellado en la garra izquierda de Goldramon. Sería la llama del mal, la destrucción y la avaricia. Categoría:Especie Digimon Categoría:Tipo Dragón Pequeño Categoría:Sin Nivel
- One of the three Gods of Destruction, it is a powerful demon and is one of the more powerful of Yuri's fusions. It appears as both a boss and fusion in Shadow Hearts and Shadow Hearts: Covenant.
- Claiming to be an innocent nonbender to whom the spirits granted the ability to remove a person's bending permanently, a power previously demonstrated only by the Avatar, Amon gained the confidence and support of many people with the same ideals. However, when the complete conquest of Republic City by the Equalists became imminent, Amon's true identity was exposed to the public by Avatar Korra. In actuality, he was a prodigious Northern Water Tribe bloodbender, son of the escaped crime boss, Yakone. Alongside his younger brother, the former councilman, Tarrlok, Amon was unknowingly shaped by Yakone to be a tool for his revenge against the Avatar.
- Amon is Kai Ken belonging to the Kurohabaki Clan. He is Kojūrō's closest subordinate and Yamabiko's second guardian. He is likely an officer or right-and-man to Kojūrō, since Kurohabaki Clan members within Kojūrō's pack follow him when Kojūrō isn't around. He is also a skilled fighter. Amon does not play a major role in the manga; He is a background character who is seen almost always with Kojūrō and Yamabiko.
- King Amon (Hebrew: faithful, true, trustworthy) (665-r. 643-641 BC according to Ussher, or 664-r. 642-640 BC according to Thiele ) was the fourteenth king of the Southern Kingdom of Israel in direct line of descent. He was even more wicked than his father was, but he did not last nearly as long.
- Amon jest naszym narzeczonym z przeszłości. Żyje w starożytności gdzie jest wielkim przywódcą i wojownikiem. Kocha naszą postać nad życie i nazywa ją swoim słońcem i boginią. Często mówi jakby wierszem. Pomógł nam w jednym odcinku kiedy napisał razem z nami przemówienie. Jest waleczny i odważny. Uratował nas z więzienia zabijając wszystkich strażników. Jest gotów oddać życie za swoją księżniczkę. Wierzy, że nasza postać jest boginią, bo potrafi przenosić się w czasie. Kategoria:Chłopaki
- Amon, otherwise known as the Dark Voice, the Fallen One, the Dark One, the Dark God, the Eternal One, and Truth-bringer, was a malevolent xel'naga connected to the Void. He sought to break the "corrupt" cycle of the xel'naga and bring all life to an end, before remaking it in his image. He has been described as "the universe's most ancient evil."
- Amon is a Caineron Kendar randon cadet at Tentir. He's Obidin's servant. Amon was in Obidin's ten-command until the autumn cull, when—after a freak accident involving a bucket of eels and a ball of lightning—the ten-command was split up, and he was moved to Gorbel's ten-command with Obidin, Bark, and Rori.
- The world of Amon is a project run by Craig Suter for several years now. The persistent world has expanded and expanded over time and now includes literally hundres of areas with a main story line connecting all quests. The main story is based on the pencil-and-paper campaign Amon by Craig Suter. Background information is available at the project's web site. Several other people, mostly DMs, have helped Craig expanding and running his world. The module is not public but everyone is invited to play on the Amon servers.
- Amon, son of King Manasseh, and mother Meshullemeth, became king of Judah at age 22. His reign lasted 2 years. Amon's reign was an evil one, as was the early years of the reign of his father, Manasseh. Amon sacrificed to pagan idols just as his father did. But, unlike his father, Amon didn't change, instead he sinned more and more. Finally, his own officers assassinated him in his palace. Then, some citizens killed all those who assassinated him, and declared his son Josiah to be the new king. Amon was buried in a crypt in the garden of Uzza.
- Sirene was Amon's lover, but due to Akira obtaining Amon's powers, Sirene blamed Akira for his disappearance. During a Black Sabbath ritual led by Ryo, Amon tries to take over the human Akira Fudo, but due to his pure heart Amon's consciousness was suppressed and Devilman was born
- Amon was a Cardassian individual. In the 24th century, Amon was employed as the head waiter at Kurrgo's restaurant on Cardassia Prime. When Kurrgo was having trouble with Lig withholding a delivery of fresh targ to the restaurant, Amon was dispatched to complete the transaction after Cardassian Union customs agents delayed Lig's starship. Amon was chosen because he was smart enough not to be cheated by Lig, and also because, as a Cardassian, he would know how to deal with paying the Cardassian tariffs to have the delivery released to Kurrgo. (TLE novel: The Art of the Impossible)
- Lord Amon is one of the seven Judges and the highest-ranking one to have appeared to date. Presumably, he is the successor to the position of the Grand Judge. Vizier or Wiseman is a character in Random Kingdom VX2, serving in his namesake function to the King of Virarcaia. According to a development script, he was found by the queen as a baby, deposited by the waves on a beach. Of surprising intellect and creativity, the child grew up to become a valued advisor and gifted general to the nation and would indeed have become the king's successor were it not for the birth of Prince Dartaio. Unknown to the royalties and the populace of the kingdom, the Vizier is really the son of Mayutsusa. The storyline involving his plan to revive his frozen mother was - as can be currently foreseen - cut fro
- Démon de la tribu des Halfwings rencontré par Shiran'Hui durant son errance. Leur rencontre résulte d'un étrange concours de circonstances à l'issue d'une bataille entre les Crocs d'Argent et les Serres Sanglantes, dont faisait partie Amon. Toujours est il que lui et Shiran'Hui voyagent ensemble depuis quelques années, et nombreux sont ceux qui se demandent comment deux êtres aux caractères diamétralement opposés peuvent se supporter, alors qu'une minorité, dont font partie nombre d'Enfants de Gaïa, voit en cette cohabitation un espoir pour l'avenir. Ne considérant certainement pas Shiran'Hui comme un ami, Amon prétexte de rester avec lui pour pallier au manque de maturité de son compagnon de voyage. (ou sans doute est-ce parce que les Serres Sanglantes ont été décimées, et que par conséqu
- Amon (also spelled Aamon or Amaymon, along with many other variations) is a Marquis of Hell. He is the seventh of the 72 Goetic demons who governs forty infernal legions. He appears as a wolf with a snake's tail who can breathe fire, or as a man with dog's teeth who is situated inside of a raven, or as a raven-headed man. Collin de Plancy took the artistic liberty of compressing Amon's two forms into one with the head of a dog-teethed raven, the body of a wolf, and a snake tail in place of its back legs. At the command of a mage, Amon may take the shape of man with a raven's head, having teeth of a canine. He tells of all things past and future. According to the Grand Grimoire, he is a direct subordinate of Satanachia.
- [[Plik:Tarrlok_y_Noatak_en_los_buenos_tiempos.png|thumb|left|Amon pomaga swojemu Bratu.]]Jego dzieciństwo wraz z bratem Tarrlokiem było dość miło wspominane do czasu gdy oboje odkryli zdolność tkania wody. Wszystko się zmieniło gdy ojciec (Yakon) zaczął ich szkolić władania żywiołem. Wtedy poznali jego prawdziwą naturę. Yakon był surowy i bezkompromisowy. Mimo że Noatak lepiej władał magią i ojciec odrobinę lepiej go traktował od Tarrloka, już wtedy uważał że wszyscy powinni być traktowani równo.
- Amon, nacido como Noatak, era el líder carismático y misterioso de un grupo revolucionario que estaba en contra de las artes de Control conocido como los Igualitarios. Su objetivo final era la introducción de la igualdad para todos al librar al mundo de los Maestros. Un luchador ágil y sigiloso, Amon fue intrépido para enfrentarse a sus oponentes, independientemente de sus habilidades y capacidades de Control. Pretendiendo ser un no Maestro a quien los espíritus le habían concedido la capacidad de eliminar los poderes de una maestro definitivamente, un poder demostrado previamente sólo por el Avatar, Amon ganó la confianza y el apoyo de muchas personas con los mismos ideales. Sin embargo, cuando la conquista completa de Ciudad República a manos de los Igualitarios se hizo inminente, la ver
- Amon (known as "the bad sheep" in English) is a renegade sheep that was a part of Mayor Len's flock of sheep and appeared in the episode Sheepwrecked. Amon ran away after the traumatizing time when the king tried to eat him. After spending much time isolated and surviving in the harsh and unforgiving wilderness (where he strangely got the ability to talk and turn into a monster from a bolt of lighting), Amon returned to Cappy Town and preached to all the sheep that they are mere fodder for the Cappies, and that they have had nothing to live for beyond being killed and eaten by the Cappies. Amon turns the sheep against the Cappies and makes them act like a pack of hungry wolves.
- Sana amon tarkoittaa yleensä "salattua", "näkymätöntä" ja muuta vastaavaa. Amonin todellisen nimen ja ulkomuodon uskottiin olevan ihmisille näkymättömiä. Myöhempinä aikoina Amonin kantasanaksi ryhdyttiin tulkitsemaan mon-sanaa, joka tarkoittaa "pysyvää", "kestävää" tai "ikuista". Amon yhdistettiin kreikkalais-roomalaisen kauden aikana kreikkalaisten pääjumala Zeukseen.
- thumb Amon ("ukryty"?) - pierwotnie drugorzędne górnoegipskie bóstwo urodzaju i płodności (występuje już w Tekstach Piramid z okresu Starego Państwa, wraz z małżonką Amaunet), zyskał na znaczeniu po zaszczepieniu jego kultu w Tebach za czasów X-XI dynastii. Wtedy jego żoną stała się Mut, a potomkiem bóg księżyca Chonsu. Świątynia Amona w Karnaku jest największym egipskim zespołem sakralnym. W okresie Nowego Państwa przydano mu cechy solarne i utożsamiono z Re (Amon-Re).
- Amon, geboren als Noatak, war der charismatische und geheimnisvolle Führer der revolutionären Bewegung der Equalisten. Ihr Ziel war es, für Gleichgewicht in der ganzen Welt zu sorgen, indem sie das Bändigen für immer auslöschen wollten. Er war flink, wendig und ein guter Kämpfer, denn Amon verhielt sich bei der Bewältigung seiner Gegner stets furchtslos und unabhängig von deren kraftvollen Bändigerfähigkeiten.