| - English | Japanese “Without fail!""I am prepared to expose corpses to the Three Thousand Worlds. Demon of the Sixth Heaven's roaring command!""Soooo this is the Demon King's Three Thousand Worlds!!” —Demon Archer Three Thousand Worlds: Three Line Formation (三千世界さんだんうち, Sanzen SekaiSandan'uchi?) is the Noble Phantasm of Oda Nobunaga. It is her famous policy, having dreamed about the unification of the country of Japan, and the "three lines of fire" strategy she is said to have employed at the Battle of Nagashino. It brings about three thousand arquebuses in her surroundings, and they fire volleys in every direction while matching the guns she holds in both of her hands. She evaluates it as "a Mami-like Arquebus-Kata (火縄カタ, Hinawa-kata?) action by means of three thousand arquebuses." Affected by her "Tenka Fubu - Innovation" Skill, it is more dangerous against Servants possessing higher ranks of Divinity and Mystery. As there was the "all too famous anecdote" of consigning the cavalry of the Takeda Army, the most powerful cavalry in the age of the warring states, to oblivion, it also displays a particularly strong effectiveness against Heroic Spirits possessing the Riding Skill, increasing its attack power against them. It defeated a well-known Rider class Servant with an EX-rank Noble Phantasm in the Strange Tales of the Imperial Holy Grail, would display great effectiveness against someone like Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, and along with her "Tenka Fubu - Innovation" Skill against a Rider with high Mystery like Medusa, it would display a "crazy effect." Against those with low Divinity and Mystery or those with a lack of Divinity, Mystery and Riding, the guns would act as "mere matchlocks". They can still be annoying for them to cope with, and with the volley firing of three thousand guns, it can still be a common threat, such as allowing its tremendous destructive power and overwhelming fire-density to corner Sakura Saber almost to the verge of defeat at one point.