| - Gray's Anatomy is an authoritative textbook on anatomy. First published in 1858, it is currently in its 41st edition, published in 2015. This article is a , please help House Wikia by expanding it.
- thumb|Ein Bild des Herz-Lungen-Systems aus Gray's Anatomy. Gray's Anatomy ist ein medizinisches Standardwerk der menschlichen Anatomie. Das Buch wurde erstmals im 19. Jahrhundert der Erde veröffentlicht und ist bis in das 24. Jahrhundert bekannt. Als die Talosianer 2254 den Computer der USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) untersuchen, erscheint ein Bild des Herz-Lungen-System aus dem Buch Gray's Anatomy. (TOS: )
- Gray's Anatomy is a British anatomy textbook, originally developed by physician Henry Gray in the middle of the 19th century. It is still the most authoritative work of its kind, and is currently in its 40th edition, which was published in 2008. A separate American edition of the text went through 25 editions, but has not been published since 1990. Many editions of the book are in the public domain and are widely available on the web. However, these are largely out of date as the understanding of human anatomy became increasingly sophisticated after 1950.
- An image depicting the Human heart and lungs, taken from Gray's Anatomy, was scanned by the Talosians as they reviewed the library computer files on board USS Enterprise in 2254. (TOS-R: "The Cage" ) In 2374, Harry Kim included the work in a database for a new replacement EMH program. Once the new EMH was activated it began to recite Gray's Anatomy from chapter one, but was cut off midway through the second paragraph when its holomatrix experienced a data overload. Kim continued to download the text for Tom Paris' studies instead. (VOY: "Message in a Bottle")
- Une image présentant le cœur et les poumons, issu de cet ouvrage, fut scanné depuis la base de données de l'USS Enterprise par les Talosians en 2254. (TOS Remastered: "The Cage") En 2374, Harry Kim a inclus cet ouvrage dans la base de données du nouveau programme HMU de remplacement. Dès son activation, ce HMU commença à réciter "Gray's Anatomy" à partir du 1er chapitre, jusqu'à ce qu'il soit stoppé lorsque son holomatrice subit une surcharge de données. (VOY: "Message in a Bottle")
| - Gray's Anatomy is a British anatomy textbook, originally developed by physician Henry Gray in the middle of the 19th century. It is still the most authoritative work of its kind, and is currently in its 40th edition, which was published in 2008. Anatomy textbooks were available in the mid 19th century, but Gray took pains to make his textbook as inexpensive as possible. Due to its overwhelming popularity, successive editors took pains to make it as authoritative and complete as possible. However, this made the text more expensive and more unwieldy and, by the 35th edition, the book was too large, costly and complicated to be used by its original primary market - medical students. Since then, efforts have been made to streamline the work, and about 500 pages were lost between the 38th and 40th editions. A separate American edition of the text went through 25 editions, but has not been published since 1990. Many editions of the book are in the public domain and are widely available on the web. However, these are largely out of date as the understanding of human anatomy became increasingly sophisticated after 1950.
- Une image présentant le cœur et les poumons, issu de cet ouvrage, fut scanné depuis la base de données de l'USS Enterprise par les Talosians en 2254. (TOS Remastered: "The Cage") En 2374, Harry Kim a inclus cet ouvrage dans la base de données du nouveau programme HMU de remplacement. Dès son activation, ce HMU commença à réciter "Gray's Anatomy" à partir du 1er chapitre, jusqu'à ce qu'il soit stoppé lorsque son holomatrice subit une surcharge de données. (VOY: "Message in a Bottle") Chapter one: The Animal Cell: "All the tissues of the body originate from a microscopic structure, the fertilized ovum, which consists of a soft, jelly-like material enclosed in a membrane and containing a vesicle or a small spherical body inside which are one or more denser spots. This may be regarded as a complete cell. All solid tissues consist largely of cells essentially similar to it in nature but differing in external form." "In the higher organisms a cell may be defined as a nucleated mass of protoplasm of microscopic size. Its two essentials, therefore, are: a soft jelly-like material, similar to that found in the ovum, and usually styled cytoplasm, and a small spherical body embedded in it, and termed a nucleus. Some of the unicellular protozoa contain no nuclei..."
- An image depicting the Human heart and lungs, taken from Gray's Anatomy, was scanned by the Talosians as they reviewed the library computer files on board USS Enterprise in 2254. (TOS-R: "The Cage" ) In 2374, Harry Kim included the work in a database for a new replacement EMH program. Once the new EMH was activated it began to recite Gray's Anatomy from chapter one, but was cut off midway through the second paragraph when its holomatrix experienced a data overload. Kim continued to download the text for Tom Paris' studies instead. (VOY: "Message in a Bottle") Chapter one: The Animal Cell: "All the tissues of the body originate from a microscopic structure, the fertilized ovum, which consists of a soft, jelly-like material enclosed in a membrane and containing a vesicle or a small spherical body inside which are one or more denser spots. This may be regarded as a complete cell. All solid tissues consist largely of cells essentially similar to it in nature but differing in external form." "In the higher organisms a cell may be defined as a nucleated mass of protoplasm of microscopic size. Its two essentials, therefore, are: a soft jelly-like material, similar to that found in the ovum, and usually styled cytoplasm, and a small spherical body embedded in it, and termed a nucleus. Some of the unicellular protozoa contain no nuclei..." This classic medical reference textbook was, according to the Star Trek Encyclopedia (4th ed., vol. 1, p. 316) , written by Dr. Henry Gray and published for the first time in 1858.
- thumb|Ein Bild des Herz-Lungen-Systems aus Gray's Anatomy. Gray's Anatomy ist ein medizinisches Standardwerk der menschlichen Anatomie. Das Buch wurde erstmals im 19. Jahrhundert der Erde veröffentlicht und ist bis in das 24. Jahrhundert bekannt. Als die Talosianer 2254 den Computer der USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) untersuchen, erscheint ein Bild des Herz-Lungen-System aus dem Buch Gray's Anatomy. (TOS: ) Nachdem 2374 der Doktor kurzzeitig die USS Voyager in den Alpha-Quadranten verlassen hat, muss ihn Tom Paris vertreten. Doch Paris möchte einen Ersatzarzt haben, damit dieser die ganzen medizinischen Fälle bearbeiten muss. Harry Kim kreiert darauf ein MHN-Ersatzprogramm für Paris und lädt für diesen Zweck die gesamte medizinische Bibliothek der Voyager in eine einzelne Datei. Unter den medizinischen Werken sind unter anderem das von Doktor Leonard McCoy verfasste Vergleichende Physiologie von fremden Wesen und Gray's Anatomy. Als das MHN-Ersatzprogramm gestartet wird, zitiert dieses das erste Kapitel aus Gray's Anatomy. Als das Programm ausfällt kopiert Kim eine Ausgabe von Gray's Anatomy auf ein PADD, damit Paris dies studieren kann. (VOY: )
- Gray's Anatomy is an authoritative textbook on anatomy. First published in 1858, it is currently in its 41st edition, published in 2015. This article is a , please help House Wikia by expanding it.