| - Now that you are ready, I can use you to gather the rune stones I am seeking.
I have been assigned the task to find all the legendary warrior runes.
There are three of them to be exact.
There is Allamar's, the great swordsman, Greathen's the wise mage and Lefrath's the stealth hunter.
I have been tracking down each of the three warriors ever since you got to this town, and I think I know where to find them.
The first one we will try to get is the legendary swordsman Allamar.
He was the greatest light elf swordsman, and that's saying a lot since most elves hardly ever pick up a sword.
Allamar made up for his lack of strength with speed. There are stories of Allamar cutting throats of then soldiers in mere seconds to escape from his captors.
In his later years, he protected King Ataleon and even went to war with him when the great king fell in battle.
To find this rune stone would be quite an achievement, and recently I have learned some new information that may shed light on its whereabouts.
If my predictions are correct, I know exactly where it is, and I know how we can get it. The general owns a sword.
The butte of the handle has the same markings as Allamar's family, and I'm willing to bet that's the rune stone we are looking for. Problem is, the good general never leaves his position, and that means he never leaves his sword.
Lucky for us, he has a thing for terkinian balm juice. It just so happens to be illegal here, but I managed to get some just for this occasion.
Before we use it, we need a sleep aide to help the good general relax.
Go see Dionos, the alchemist, and try to get the sleep potion. Bring it to me then.