| - The Vodoun (or, sometimes, Kindred Vodoun) discipline is a fairly unique discipline; its requirements are not Covenant affiliation or bloodline, but rather, the character's relationship to a powerful spirit known as a Loa. Vodoun is a ritual discipline, meaning that it is learned like Crúac or Theban Sorcery, with more than one ritual per dot; it is not a bloodline discipline, so new levels must be purchased at 7x New Dots experience, like all out-of-clan disciplines. New rituals cost 2x New Dots. __TOC__
| - The Vodoun (or, sometimes, Kindred Vodoun) discipline is a fairly unique discipline; its requirements are not Covenant affiliation or bloodline, but rather, the character's relationship to a powerful spirit known as a Loa. Vodoun is a ritual discipline, meaning that it is learned like Crúac or Theban Sorcery, with more than one ritual per dot; it is not a bloodline discipline, so new levels must be purchased at 7x New Dots experience, like all out-of-clan disciplines. New rituals cost 2x New Dots. For the first two levels, a Kindred with Vodoun is known as a vodouisant, and can learn any one or two dot Vodoun ritual. However, the third dot is when everything changes; in order to obtain this dot, they must undergo a ritual known as a bat guerre, binding their soul to a Loa, and becoming a houngan (male) or a mambo (female). Once a Loa has been chosen, it cannot be changed or revoked. The choice of Loa has an effect on which Vodoun rituals the player may learn. The level of a vampire's relationship to the Loa is known as Rapport; this is, functionally, the same as the vodouisant's level in the Vodoun discipline. This discipline is detailed in Ancient Bloodlines, as part of the section on The Haitian Revolution. New Orleans: City of the Damned also makes reference to the existence of Kindred with Vodoun powers, but does not go into anymore detail; a sidebar in Ancient Bloodlines suggests that, when running those characters, these rituals are acceptable for enriching their abilities. __TOC__