| - Hair color: Reddish Brown Headgear: None Eye color: Blue Clothes: Red, black, grey (see current concept art) Nationality/Race: 50%American 50%English History: Her original name was way too stupid to ever tell a soul, but her current and permanent name "Hito Riaru" translates to "Real people(persons)". Originally meant to be an English voice bank the creator(Gnizam-P) changed her mind and decided to go with the traditional Japanese CV voice bank; (although a ENG CVVC bank is coming in the near future.) Hito Riaru's current design consists of black, grey, white, & red colours.
| - Hair color: Reddish Brown Headgear: None Eye color: Blue Clothes: Red, black, grey (see current concept art) Nationality/Race: 50%American 50%English History: Her original name was way too stupid to ever tell a soul, but her current and permanent name "Hito Riaru" translates to "Real people(persons)". Originally meant to be an English voice bank the creator(Gnizam-P) changed her mind and decided to go with the traditional Japanese CV voice bank; (although a ENG CVVC bank is coming in the near future.) Other: This utau is completely based on the creator; the hair, the eyes, the clothes, the voice, AND personality. This isn't just an utau, it is a virtual copy of the creator. She likes to think of the UTAU as part of her. Hito Riaru's current design consists of black, grey, white, & red colours. - She wears a near knee length skirt with ribbon attached to the right side. - Red gloves with holes where her knuckles are. - Dark grey studded belt (attached to skirt). - Dark grey (nearly black) shirt with light grey buttons & red short sleeves. - Smaller versions of her belt on her ankles & wrists. - Detached collar with red ribbon. - Hair tied up into pigtails with two pairs of rhodochrosite crystal ball hair ties.