| - THIS PAGE IS NOW NEARLY INVALID AND SHOULD NOT BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY INTO ROLEPLAY CONTEXT. ANY INFO THAT HAS NOT BEEN RETCONNED CAN BE FOUND ON WHICH IS BEING MANAGED BY ME, VALCORE, THE GUY WHO MADE THIS PAGE. I have left this page up as personal reference and for anyone bored enough to read bad writing at its finest (this page was written by my 13-14 year old self and has not encountered any other edits since the year 2011 besides this one.) Valcore MacKay was born on Augast 9th to Crofin and Jennifer MacKay. After the accidental deaths of his parents when he was 10, he ran away and began his life as a mercenary. He was believed to be about 29 at his death. When you see Valcore, you see a short man with a face full of scars. The most noticeable one being the one that runs from his forehead to his left eye. There would be little traces of his former handsome face. His armor is worn out, and his hair occasionaly a mess. His eyes are hard, and everything about him seems threatening. He has a knife sheathed on his left boot, there is always a concealed small firearm in his right arm, which can be triggered by the small wire around his middle finger. His belt is full of weapons and gadgets, ranging from his sword, to knife, to throwing knives, to two flintlock pistols. Were you to see his bare chest, you would see many scars. Wether they be slash, stab, bite, cut, magic, and bullet wounds. You would barely see any original skin on his chest. There would be a scar on his neck that would resemble a raven wearing a hat, and a tatoo on his right arm in the shape of a house. His legs would be less scarred, but would still have a couple slash scars. His legs would appear weak, due to the many times he has broken them. He may have to look up at you when talking to you, but he is one dangerous mother fucker. His tongue is one of the sharpest, and can spit out words like they were taught to him at one. His favorite cuss word is 'Fuck.' He can be, in simple words, a dick. The hardships he has suffered does not help, but he can actually be pretty nice to people who somewhat understand him. He has a knack for being in military regiments, and getting kicked out. Which is ironic, for many call Valcore a very skilled fighter. He is known to go totally physco, usually while hunting someone. Many have been dead before his feet, and it contributes to the coldness in his heart. To be an enemy of this man would be very dangerous. Rumors have been spreading, saying that Valcore is back. But, there's no sign of him... For, he has inhabited a new body, one of an old war veteran. Very few know the truth about him.