| - Vakama is the Turaga of Ta-Koro, the village of fire.
- Vakama war der Anführer der Toa Metru, die sich schließlich in Turaga verwandelten. Er ist der Schmied der großen Kanohi Vahi.
- Vakama was a Matoran who became the Toa Metru of Fire. He was mutated into a Toa Hordika and later he became a Turaga.
- Vakama is one of the Turaga of Mata Nui who was once the Toa Metru of Fire.
- Vakama erschien in 3 Versionen, der Turaga Version von 2001, der Toa Metru Version von 2004 und der Toa hordika Version von 2005.
- Vakama was an out of date pop fan. He would randomly break into song and dance and start annoying people with his singing. His idol was Michael Jackson until his death. When he died Vakama did a tribute song by breaking into the set of the Michael Jackson movie and trying to sing with his gang of Toa Metru. Though finally seeing it as a lost cause, he decided to join Sidorak and rule the stupid visorak spiders, all the while planning to steal his credit card while his back was turned.
- Vakama był Ta-Matorańskim Mistrzem Masek, Toa Metru Ognia, i krótko Toa Hordika Ognia. Później stał się jednym z Turaga Mata Nui razem z innymi Toa Metru, a potem jednym z siedmiu Turaga Metru Nui.
- Toa Vakama was a minor antangonist and one of the main protagonists in the movie, Bionicle 3: Web of Shadows. He was a hero before turning evil but returned to his comrades after seeing the error of his ways.
- Vakama fue un Forjador de Máscaras Ta-Matoran nativo de Metru Nui que se convirtió en el Toa Metru del Fuego, y brevemente en el Toa Hordika del Fuego. Tiempo después se convirtió en uno de los Turaga de Mata Nui, junto con los otros Toa Metru, y fue uno de los Turaga de Metru Nui.
- Beginning his carreer in Mask-Making as an apprentice of Nuhrii, Vakama was soon considered to be Metru Nui's greatest Mask-Maker. By doing this, he surpassed his mentor and obtained his own forge, with Fire Drone assistants to help. As a result, Nuhrii became jealous of Vakama and sought to find ways to overshadow his former pupil's work. Vakama was later given a surprise assignment by Turaga Dume, who commissioned him to craft the legendary Mask of Time, the Kanohi Vahi.