| - Commander, Navy Installations Command (CNIC) is the authority responsible for shore installation management under the United States Navy; it is responsible to the Chief of Naval Operations. CNIC was established on October 1, 2003. Many different aspects of installation management come under CNIC's responsibility, such as port operations, weapons storage, environmental aspects, planning and real estate, housing, emergency management, recreational programs, child care and youth programs. CNIC encompasses twelve Regional Commands worldwide and all of the naval installations within these regions:
| - Commander, Navy Installations Command (CNIC) is the authority responsible for shore installation management under the United States Navy; it is responsible to the Chief of Naval Operations. CNIC was established on October 1, 2003. Many different aspects of installation management come under CNIC's responsibility, such as port operations, weapons storage, environmental aspects, planning and real estate, housing, emergency management, recreational programs, child care and youth programs. Commander, Navy Installations Command has overall shore installation management (SIM) responsibility and authority as the Budget Submitting Office (BSO) for all installation support and is the lead within Navy for installation policy and program execution oversight. CNIC's mission is to enable the Navy's Operating Concept through Enterprise alignment of all shore installation support to the Fleet, Fighter and Family. CNIC's acts as both an "enabler" and "integrator," to coordinate across Naval Enterprises, and best provide the installations, services and programs in their support. These services include categories such as ports, airfields, Morale Welfare & Recreation (MWR), security, utilities, land use planning, disposal and housing. CNIC sums up its mission as supporting the three 'F's: "Fleet, Fighter and Family."
* "Fleet" means the operating forces of the Navy. CNIC ensures all installation requirements necessary to train and operate the Fleets (Ports, Airfields, Training Ranges, etc.) are maintained and ready.
* "Fighter" means the men and women in the operating forces. CNIC ensures naval installations are able to facilitate the manning, training and equipping of the Navy's fighting force.
* "Family" means the men and women of the armed forces and their families. To ensure the fighting force is supported on all fronts, CNIC's Family and Community Services, Housing and Safety efforts provide the quality of life, support and services that allow the fighting force to focus on mission accomplishment. CNIC encompasses twelve Regional Commands worldwide and all of the naval installations within these regions:
* Commander, Naval District Washington (NDW)
* Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic (CNRMA)
* Commander, Navy Region Midwest (CNRMW)
* Commander, Navy Region Northwest (CNRNW)
* Commander, Navy Region Southeast (CNRSE)
* Commander, Navy Region Southwest (CNRSW)
* Commander, Navy Region Hawaii (CNRH)
* Commander, Navy Region Japan (CNRJ)
* Commander, Navy Region Korea (CNRK)
* Commander, Navy Region Marianas (CNRM)
* Commander, Navy Region Europe, Africa, Southwest Asia (CNREURAFSWA)
* Singapore Area Coordinator (SAC)