| - The Boxing Glove (パワーグラブ / パンチ, Punch, in Japan and some English localizations) is an item that allows players to punch bombs in order to knock them away. Punched bombs may be knocked out of the screen to screen wrap to the other side.
- File:Boxing Glove Type.gif Boxing Gloves can be naturally wielded by Martial Artists, and require Equip Boxing Gloves from the Martial Artist passive skill set to be equipped on other jobs. Some Martial Artist Power Attacks skills can only be used while Boxing Gloves are equipped. All Boxing Gloves add HP, and most add physical critical attack.
- Sam & Max' glove is first seen in Culture Shock, where it is used to knock out the Soda Poppers. It is then misplaced for a while, to be found again in Abe Lincoln Must Die! (where it is used on the Puppet President). It may be important to note that it is found right next to the pond Jimmy Two-Teeth is relaxing in. The glove is kept in Reality 2.0 (where it proves quite useless) and lost again in Bright Side of the Moon. At the end of Bright Side of the Moon, Sam takes out the glove and gives it to Max (in order to knock out everyone on earth), saying he'd been keeping it for a surprise.
- During his first stint with the League of Super-Evil Villains, Tyson Dense created a contraption that consisted of two boxing gloves attached to the end of retractable arms. The criminal used this invention to try and open the vault at the Metropolis Zone Central Bank, but was unsuccessful. Sackhead was also given the chance to pick broken boxing gloves for his fight with Vangar the Spatula Constructor but opted for a Bag of Chips, some Doc Marten Power Blasters and a pair of Superlastic Y-Fronts.
- (Boxing) Glovez are not much more of a weapon than Bare-handz ... but they do one thing that Bare-handz cannot do; they move an enemy Grunt one Tile backward. So a Grunt armed with Glovez can maneuver an enemy Grunt to a desired location, as onto a Switch that the solver would not want a friendly Grunt to occupy. For example, onto an Arrow leading to a Black One-Time Switch ... trapping the Grunt because they cannot pass the Arrow to get back into the field of play.
| - During his first stint with the League of Super-Evil Villains, Tyson Dense created a contraption that consisted of two boxing gloves attached to the end of retractable arms. The criminal used this invention to try and open the vault at the Metropolis Zone Central Bank, but was unsuccessful. Sackhead was also given the chance to pick broken boxing gloves for his fight with Vangar the Spatula Constructor but opted for a Bag of Chips, some Doc Marten Power Blasters and a pair of Superlastic Y-Fronts. Sleek the Panther wears a modified pair of boxing gloves he has termed "Power Gloves". These can be charged by a power pack to give increased strength to punches. Tails was hit by an unpowered glove.
- (Boxing) Glovez are not much more of a weapon than Bare-handz ... but they do one thing that Bare-handz cannot do; they move an enemy Grunt one Tile backward. So a Grunt armed with Glovez can maneuver an enemy Grunt to a desired location, as onto a Switch that the solver would not want a friendly Grunt to occupy. For example, onto an Arrow leading to a Black One-Time Switch ... trapping the Grunt because they cannot pass the Arrow to get back into the field of play. Boxerz have quick handz ... they can frequently get in a punch even against a Sword Grunt, and be out of range of the stab from the Sword Grunt in retaliation! Boxerz also recover their strength for the next blow faster than most other Gruntz. Boxerz also seem to have 'glass chinz', as you frequently hear them say something like "I'm down for the count!".
- Sam & Max' glove is first seen in Culture Shock, where it is used to knock out the Soda Poppers. It is then misplaced for a while, to be found again in Abe Lincoln Must Die! (where it is used on the Puppet President). It may be important to note that it is found right next to the pond Jimmy Two-Teeth is relaxing in. The glove is kept in Reality 2.0 (where it proves quite useless) and lost again in Bright Side of the Moon. At the end of Bright Side of the Moon, Sam takes out the glove and gives it to Max (in order to knock out everyone on earth), saying he'd been keeping it for a surprise. In Ice Station Santa, Sam and Max end Jimmy's boxing career and take his glove. They then travel back in time to the time The Mole, the Mob, and the Meatball took place. There they find Jimmy lamenting the loss of his boxing glove, claiming Sam & Max took it. They then drop the glove they took from him in the future at his door. Given the way time travel works in Ice Station Santa, this intervention should already be part of the original timeline.
- File:Boxing Glove Type.gif Boxing Gloves can be naturally wielded by Martial Artists, and require Equip Boxing Gloves from the Martial Artist passive skill set to be equipped on other jobs. Some Martial Artist Power Attacks skills can only be used while Boxing Gloves are equipped. All Boxing Gloves add HP, and most add physical critical attack.
* Level 10, 30, 50: No special characteristics.
* Level 18, 38, 58: No special characteristics.
* Level 20, 40, 60: File:Metal.gif Metal elemental attribute. Strong against , weak against . Additional HP in percentage.
* Level 23, 43: File:Earth.gif Earth elemental attribute. Strong against , weak against . Additional HP in percentage.
* Level 33, 53: Add physical block, but reduce evasion.
* Level 40: Platinum weapon. Item mall weapon with two special attributes (passive HP Recovery default and default passive HP recovery). Additional HP in percentage, no physical critical attack.
* Level 50: Alternate weapon. Item mall weapon with slightly lower level 50 stats.
* Level 60: Master weapon. Item mall weapon with higher level 60 stats. Additional HP in percentage. Non-elemental.
* Level 60: HLA I weapon and HLA III weapon. Crafted by High level alchemy weapon specialists. Non-elemental.
* Level 60: Golden weapon. Item mall weapon with two special attributes (passive HP Recovery default and default passive HP recovery). Additional HP in percentage, no physical critical attack.
- The Boxing Glove (パワーグラブ / パンチ, Punch, in Japan and some English localizations) is an item that allows players to punch bombs in order to knock them away. Punched bombs may be knocked out of the screen to screen wrap to the other side.