| - Misty's main Pokémon, Gyarados was her second Pokémon that was used against Ash's Butterfree and won, but lost battling Pikachu. Gyarados would later be used as the final Pokémon in Misty's Gym Battle with Jimmy.File:Bag_Gyaradosite_Sprite.png
Ability: Intimidate, Mold Breaker .
- Misty used Starmie as her first Pokémon in Ash's gym battle with her. It's even mentioned that Misty had her Starmie ever since it was a Staryu. It lost upon going against Ash's Butterfree.
Ability: Illuminate. Known moves: Tackle, Psychic, Water Gun, Rapid Spin, Camouflage, Swift, Light Screen, Cosmic Power, Power Gem, Confuse Ray, Signal Beam.