| - At some point prior to the genesis of Yangchen's Avatar duties, Pik and Pak had befriended the young airbender and served as her pets. A week following Yangchen's mastery of all four elements, the lemurs accompanied the Avatar, her flying bison, and Boma to a shore-side city. Having sheltered themselves from the storm that raged around them, Pik and Pak emerged from their hiding place only in response to Yangchen's mention of their name in her excitement over her first mission as the Avatar. As the party entered the king's throne room, the lemurs each perched themselves on one of Boma's shoulders but crouched down behind him after observing three ominous fortune tellers who were prophesying in the room.
| - At some point prior to the genesis of Yangchen's Avatar duties, Pik and Pak had befriended the young airbender and served as her pets. A week following Yangchen's mastery of all four elements, the lemurs accompanied the Avatar, her flying bison, and Boma to a shore-side city. Having sheltered themselves from the storm that raged around them, Pik and Pak emerged from their hiding place only in response to Yangchen's mention of their name in her excitement over her first mission as the Avatar. As the party entered the king's throne room, the lemurs each perched themselves on one of Boma's shoulders but crouched down behind him after observing three ominous fortune tellers who were prophesying in the room. Later, Pik and Pak remained beside Yangchen as she peered over the sea from the cliffside awaiting the foretold disaster to come to the city. Upon General Old Iron's emergence from the sea, the two lemurs again cowered behind Boma, Pik peeking out over the man's shoulder and Pak glancing over his head. After the Avatar had been batted down by the spirit, the two pets immediately glided to her side in concern. The lemurs subsequently accompanied Boma in his evacuation of the city and beheld Yangchen's battle against Old Iron from a nearby clearing. Following the conflict, Pik and Pak populated the air along with several cranefish while Yangchen and Boma visited the newly-built memorial statue of Lady Tienhai.