| - The term "Attorney at Love," is an honorific, bestowed in secrecy and near silence on the one attorney in the world whom, at any given time, has accomplished all of the following achievements:
* Is duly licensed to practice law by one or more state or national bar associations, and is in good standing in each such jurisdiction;
* Has argued a case before a national Supreme Court, and won;
* Has banged at least one sitting appellate or supreme court justice (while standing);
* Has completed the "Seven Cities of Sin" Tour in southeast Asia (whilst winning a trial in each city);
* Has written a legal brief that, upon being read, soaked the briefs of opposing counsel; and
* Has never personally lost a case in Family Court or been ordered to pay child support.
| - The term "Attorney at Love," is an honorific, bestowed in secrecy and near silence on the one attorney in the world whom, at any given time, has accomplished all of the following achievements:
* Is duly licensed to practice law by one or more state or national bar associations, and is in good standing in each such jurisdiction;
* Has argued a case before a national Supreme Court, and won;
* Has banged at least one sitting appellate or supreme court justice (while standing);
* Has completed the "Seven Cities of Sin" Tour in southeast Asia (whilst winning a trial in each city);
* Has written a legal brief that, upon being read, soaked the briefs of opposing counsel; and
* Has never personally lost a case in Family Court or been ordered to pay child support. In the rare event that more than one lawyer in the world has accomplished all of the feats above, the two attorneys must face each other in a love match, as there can be only one. However, in modern times there have never been two legitimate contenders for the crown of Attorney at Love, so the exact details of how the love match would work have yet to be set under the principles of stare decisis.