Neal Kendrick is a City of Heroes contact located in the Seven Gates neighborhood of Brickstown at coordinates (376, 0, 1576). Neal Kendrick is a Technology origin contact. His level range is 30-34. __toc__
Neal Kendrick is a City of Heroes contact located in the Seven Gates neighborhood of Brickstown at coordinates (376, 0, 1576). Neal Kendrick is a Technology origin contact. His level range is 30-34. __toc__
These notes detail the process used to make the drug Excelsior, which is responsible for the Freaks' super strength and resistance to pain. According to the notes, the Freakshow is close to perfecting a new, improved version of Excelsior that will make them even more powerful.
Neal Kendrick is a City of Heroes contact located in the Seven Gates neighborhood of Brickstown at coordinates (376, 0, 1576). Neal Kendrick is a Technology origin contact. His level range is 30-34. __toc__