| - Because Mandalorian Iron was Banned from use by the new Mandalore, all armors were recreated to instead include other metals; now it's a first Layer of Adamantium and Titanium Plate Armor, an underlayer of Quantum and Phrik, and finnaly a soft metalic mesh of Cortosis and Iron clothing. Something else to note; the UC Armor has a Neural Net Interface System (N.I.S.). This interface controls everything from your thoughts, everything by air conditioning to increasing power, mobility, sheilds, speed and energy. Your visor also has a heart rate monitor on the bottom left and an automatic targeting system which can lock on your enemies within a 30 meter range, apart from this it has a heat sensor and night vision mode. The armor has a battery life of 12 months until it has to be recharged. In an
| - Because Mandalorian Iron was Banned from use by the new Mandalore, all armors were recreated to instead include other metals; now it's a first Layer of Adamantium and Titanium Plate Armor, an underlayer of Quantum and Phrik, and finnaly a soft metalic mesh of Cortosis and Iron clothing. Something else to note; the UC Armor has a Neural Net Interface System (N.I.S.). This interface controls everything from your thoughts, everything by air conditioning to increasing power, mobility, sheilds, speed and energy. Your visor also has a heart rate monitor on the bottom left and an automatic targeting system which can lock on your enemies within a 30 meter range, apart from this it has a heat sensor and night vision mode. The armor has a battery life of 12 months until it has to be recharged. In any case of any Space combat this Armor can filter air for 10 hours. This armor has another special thing above all others, customization within a 500,000 times, this is the list of the basic and upgraded customs:
* Small rocket launcher on the upper left wrist
* Flame thrower on the upper right wrist
* Jet thrusters on the range of 50 kilometres on both lower ankles
* Heavy Shields
* Shoulder mounted weapons
* Z-6 Rotary Mounted Chaingun
* PL-X Mountain Rockets (3) Any other Weapon that can be mounted
* Wrist Blasters,Heavy Wrist Blasters
* Concussion Grenade Launcher
* Soft Metallic Mixture that solidifies on your melee weapon, making a fast and easy sheath
* a Holster inside the lower right leg to put Pistols or small Daggers in
* Automated Havoc Missile Launcher on the shoulder
* Wrist Dagger
* Poison or Flame or Explosive or Metal Dart Launcher -HERCULES- Its name comes from a mightly legend and the Hercules UC has its rights of its own, its arms are double the size of a normal UC, because its optical and fabric sensors have increased for its pure Mandalorian Iron fists, its strength lies from the wielder. Alone, the armor can lift 2 starfighters with its bare hands, used with a mighty warrior, that strength could double, its highly armored, as such it is slow, but its strong and heavily defended from its high armor content, purely made for close range combat.