| - Veidt is something of an enigma. To most people, he comes across as warm and affable, and his public persona is almost saintly. However, he's an extremely difficult person to get to know on a level of any depth unless he wants you to; and it's pretty safe to say that he's not exactly one for the sitting down and the discussion of feelings. This may stem from his reputed status as "the smartest man in the world", or it may just be because he is one deep, secretive son of a bitch. He is often demanding and critical, even of those in what passes for his personal circle, which doesn't help that whole " difficulty making friends" issue of his. Most of the time, though, Veidt will deny any need for human closeness to begin with, no matter how deeply he actually rather aches for it. When taken at
| - Veidt is something of an enigma. To most people, he comes across as warm and affable, and his public persona is almost saintly. However, he's an extremely difficult person to get to know on a level of any depth unless he wants you to; and it's pretty safe to say that he's not exactly one for the sitting down and the discussion of feelings. This may stem from his reputed status as "the smartest man in the world", or it may just be because he is one deep, secretive son of a bitch. He is often demanding and critical, even of those in what passes for his personal circle, which doesn't help that whole " difficulty making friends" issue of his. Most of the time, though, Veidt will deny any need for human closeness to begin with, no matter how deeply he actually rather aches for it. When taken at a disadvantage outside of a situation where he needs to maintain his public facade, he sometimes borders on childishly sulky and moody. While speaking in public or to strangers, Veidt affects an American accent, but he tends to slide into a German one (which, to people who don't recognize that it is in fact German, registers as an accent that MEANS HE IS FROM EVERYWHERE) when with old friends such as Dan Dreiberg or with others he doesn't feel he needs to hide his heritage from (including his ward Micaela Ruth Heekin). In fact, this is pretty symptomatic of any number of things Veidt hides from the world at large- the full truth of his upbringing, his homosexuality (or at least what he tells himself is his homosexuality- it's possible to read some very, um, interesting layers into his interest in Micaela), and another, far darker secret he doesn't share with anyone else at all but will eventually come to light.