21 September is a date in the Gregorian calendar. In Gielinor, the date is equivalent to . fi:21. syyskuuta
Attributes | Values |
| - 21 September
- 21 september
- 21 september
| - 21 September is a date in the Gregorian calendar. In Gielinor, the date is equivalent to . fi:21. syyskuuta
- 21 September is the 264th day of the year (265th in leap years). There are 101 days remaining.
- 21 September is a date in Stellar Dawn.
- The following is a list of events that happened on 21 September.
- September 24 is the 267th day of the year (268th in leap years). There are 98 days remaining until the end of the year.
- Gebeurtenissen op 21 september.
* 1902 - William E. Snyder geboren.
* 1935 - Henry Gibson geboren.
* 1936 - Jerry Ayres geboren.
* 1974 - TAS: "The Practical Joker" voor het eerst uitgezonden.
* 1980 - Autumn Reeser geboren.
* 1981 - Walt Davis overleden.
* 1992 - TNG: "Time's Arrow, Deel II" voor het eerst uitgezonden.
* 2009 - Referentie boek Star Trek: A Comics History, geschreven door Alan J. Porter, wordt uitgebracht.
* 2010 - John Crawford overleden.
- A list of events which occurred on the 21st of September. 2010 "@senjohnmccain the language in defense bill says it will not enforce DADT repeal until pentagon review + president signs. Why block debate?" 11:35 AM via web File:9-21-10.jpg " - In You I Trust. #BackIntheNewYorkGroove" 6:19 PM via Twitter for BlackBerry® 2011 "The past days I've spent reflecting, crying, and yelling. I have so much anger. It is hard to feel love when cruelty takes someones life." 3:00 PM via web "Jamey Rodemeyer, 14 yrs old, took his life because of bullying. . Bullying must become be illegal. It is a hate crime." 3:03 PM via web "I am meeting with our President. I will not stop fighting. This must end. Our generation has the power to end it. Trend it #MakeALawForJamey" 3:06 PM via web
- At 12:12am on 21 September 2360, from atop a 400-foot-tall tree on Calderon Beta, one could see more stars in the sky than at any other point in history. According to the Eleventh Doctor, it was "like daylight, only magic". The Doctor took River Song there on their first date following her imprisonment in Stormcage. (TV: First Night)
- A list of events which occurred on the 21st of September. 1902 William E. Snyder is born. 1935 Henry Gibson is born. 1936 Jerry Ayres is born. 1961 Gregory Irwin is born. 1966 Seventh and final day of filming on TOS: "The Conscience of the King" . Production went one day over schedule. First draft script for TOS: "Court Martial" is submitted titled "Court-martial on Starbase Eleven". 1967 First day of filming on TOS: "Journey to Babel" . Second revised final draft script of TOS: "Journey to Babel" is revised again. . 1992 TNG: "Time's Arrow, Part II" airs. .
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| - 21 September is a date in the Gregorian calendar. In Gielinor, the date is equivalent to . fi:21. syyskuuta
- 21 September is the 264th day of the year (265th in leap years). There are 101 days remaining.
- 21 September is a date in Stellar Dawn.
- A list of events which occurred on the 21st of September. 1902 William E. Snyder is born. 1935 Henry Gibson is born. 1936 Jerry Ayres is born. 1961 Gregory Irwin is born. 1966 Seventh and final day of filming on TOS: "The Conscience of the King" . Production went one day over schedule. First draft script for TOS: "Court Martial" is submitted titled "Court-martial on Starbase Eleven". 1967 First day of filming on TOS: "Journey to Babel" . Second revised final draft script of TOS: "Journey to Babel" is revised again. 1974 TAS: "The Practical Joker" airs. 1978 Thirty-third day of filming on Star Trek: The Motion Picture. 1980 Autumn Reeser is born. 1981 Walt Davis dies. 1983 Twenty-seventh day of filming on Star Trek III: The Search for Spock. 1987 Third day of filming on TNG: "The Battle" . 1992 TNG: "Time's Arrow, Part II" airs. Twenty-fourth day of filming on DS9: "Emissary". 1993 Second day of filming on TNG: "Force of Nature" . 1994 Final day of filming on DS9: "Civil Defense" and first day of filming on DS9: "Meridian". Twelveth day of filming on VOY: "Caretaker". 1995 First day of filming on VOY: "Resistance". 2000 Third day of filming on VOY: "Body and Soul". 2004 Sixth day of filming on ENT: "The Forge". 2009 Reference book Star Trek: A Comics History, by Alan J. Porter, is released. 2010 John Crawford dies. 2015 Sixty-first day of filming on Star Trek Beyond.
- The following is a list of events that happened on 21 September.
- At 12:12am on 21 September 2360, from atop a 400-foot-tall tree on Calderon Beta, one could see more stars in the sky than at any other point in history. According to the Eleventh Doctor, it was "like daylight, only magic". The Doctor took River Song there on their first date following her imprisonment in Stormcage. (TV: First Night) Later in her personal timeline, River was chased across the galaxy by Sontarans to this point in time and space, and entered the Doctor's TARDIS. She called the Doctor a "nostalgic idiot" for returning to Calderon Beta, not realising that it was actually the same night and he was bringing her younger self there for her first time. An older Eleventh Doctor also brought a third River there on their last date from her perspective, before going to Darillium. She too entered the TARDIS, but was soon escorted out by her Doctor. The Doctor finally returned the second River back to Stormcage by vortex manipulator, and showed the first what they'd come for. (TV: Last Night)
- September 24 is the 267th day of the year (268th in leap years). There are 98 days remaining until the end of the year.
- Gebeurtenissen op 21 september.
* 1902 - William E. Snyder geboren.
* 1935 - Henry Gibson geboren.
* 1936 - Jerry Ayres geboren.
* 1974 - TAS: "The Practical Joker" voor het eerst uitgezonden.
* 1980 - Autumn Reeser geboren.
* 1981 - Walt Davis overleden.
* 1992 - TNG: "Time's Arrow, Deel II" voor het eerst uitgezonden.
* 2009 - Referentie boek Star Trek: A Comics History, geschreven door Alan J. Porter, wordt uitgebracht.
* 2010 - John Crawford overleden.
- A list of events which occurred on the 21st of September. 2010 "@senjohnmccain the language in defense bill says it will not enforce DADT repeal until pentagon review + president signs. Why block debate?" 11:35 AM via web File:9-21-10.jpg " - In You I Trust. #BackIntheNewYorkGroove" 6:19 PM via Twitter for BlackBerry® 2011 "The past days I've spent reflecting, crying, and yelling. I have so much anger. It is hard to feel love when cruelty takes someones life." 3:00 PM via web "Jamey Rodemeyer, 14 yrs old, took his life because of bullying. . Bullying must become be illegal. It is a hate crime." 3:03 PM via web "I am meeting with our President. I will not stop fighting. This must end. Our generation has the power to end it. Trend it #MakeALawForJamey" 3:06 PM via web