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  • Ymir
  • Ymir
  • Ymir
  • YMIR
  • YMIR
  • Ymir
  • Ymir
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  • In Norse mythology, Ymir (cf. ὑπέρ), also named Aurgelmir (Old Norse gravel-yeller) among the giants themselves, was the founder of the race of frost giants and was later killed by the Borrs.
  • Two different interpretations of Ymir have appeared in video games set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe: Ymir Real Name Alias(es) Species Citizenship Gender Age Date of Birth Date of Death Clearance Ser. No. Title(s) Affiliation Status Appearances Movie One-Shot TV series Web series Game Comic Actors/Actresses Portrayed by Voiced by "Did you truly think you could harm me, Odinson? I am one of the ancients. Endless. Eternal." ―Ymir to Thor Ymir was the oldest and most powerful of the Frost Giants.
  • Ymir was a planet of grasslands, rivers and lakes. It was considered a pleasant world. Ymir was settled by several thousand refugees escaping the oppressive government on Idania. The planet was located in the Jarkolis star system. It hosted a small population spread amongst single-family settlements and small communities with large land holdings. Its sentient population consisted primarily of simple farmers of several species. When they settled on the planet, the original colonists scattered themselves and built their homes, communities and enclaves from parts of the starship. Native wildlife included bluhorns and sun vipers. By the time the planet has rediscovered by the Idanians, the planet had no industrial settlements or advanced technology. The population of the planet was 334,000.
  • Firma YMIR wyprodukowała w 2004 roku grę Metin2. Pochodzi ona z Korei.
  • Ymir, der Frostgigant, Herr der Stürme und des Krieges. Ymir lebt in Valhalla weit im Norden Vanaheims. Laut den Nordheimr Schamanen gehen die Seelen der Krieger die fallen, nach Valhalla um dort auf ewig zu leben und zu kämpfen. Dieser Glaube macht die Nordheimr Krieger, weil sie ohne Rücksicht auf sich selbst kämpfen um ehrenvoll nach Valhalla einzukehren. Ymir hat eine Tochter, Atila (siehe Robert E. Howard: "Die Tochter des Frostriesen"), die verletzte Krieger von den Schlachtfeld in eine Falle lockt um sie ihrem Vater zu opfern. Ausserdem gibt es noch einen mysteriösen Sohn Ymir's der nahe des Ymir Passes im Eiglophischen Gebirge in einem riesigen Amphitheater festgehalten wird (neue AoC-Erweiterung "Ymir's Pass"). Kategorie:Götter
  • Ymir es un Litho-Titán muy poderoso que protegía el Templo de Thor.
  • Ymir, nella versione SNES Whelk, è un boss presente in Final Fantasy VI. Ymir era un mostro simile ad una gigantesca chiocciola giallastra, protetto da un pesante guscio viola con cui assorbiva e rilasciava il potere dei fulmini. Il bestione, che viveva nelle miniere di Narshe, era stato addestrato dalle guardie affinchè attaccasse gli intrusi. I soldati imperiali Biggs, Wedge e Terra, durante la ricerca dell'esper congelato, dovettero fronteggiare Ymir, ma grazie all'ausilio dei loro blindati Magitek riuscirono a sconfiggerlo e proseguire nella grotta.
  • Ymir, Aurgelmir, Brimir, or Blainn, is a primeval being born of primordial elemental poison and the ancestor of all Jotnar. Odin used fragments of the giant's heart to create Midgard. The fragments, known as Heart of Ymir, maintain Midgard's integrity and feed its growth.
  • File:Izanami Ball.png Impossibles/Colossals: Kushinada | Marishiten | Daikokuten | Kushinada: Zero | Mag Mell File:FireIcon.png Fire: Grey Alien File:WaterIcon.png Water: File:WoodIcon.png Wood: Diaochan | Tokugawa Yoshinobu | Zhang Jiao | Jiraiya File:LightIcon.png Light: File:DarkIcon.png Dark: Satellite | Drillmax | Miss Type File:Scroll.png Tower: File:S++.png Temple:
  • The Nordheim worship Ymir, the Frost Giant, Lord of Storm and War, who lives (according to legend), in Valhalla, his castle far in northern Vanaheim. According to Nordheimr shamans, the souls of warriors who fall in battle go to Valhalla to feast and fight forever. This belief makes Nordheimr warriors terribly fierce in battle, and they often fight with no regard for their own safety.
  • «Ymir» (ユーミル, Yūmiru?) ist das Unternehmen, das ALfheim Online weiter betreibt, nachdem der Betrieb durch die Enthüllung der menschenverachtenden Experimente eines kleinen Tems von RECT Inc., angeführt von von Sugou Nobuyuki, eingestellt wurde.
  • Ymir (pronounced "EE-meer") was one of three beings to emerge from the primordial void, Ginnungagap (he is preceded by Surt, the primordial fire giant that melted Niflheim's ice and instigated Ymir's birth, and followed by Audumbla, the primordial aurochs that nourished Ymir with her milk), and the first Frost Jotunn. His children, born from his armpits and feet, ruled Niflheim, the World of Ice. Ymir was finally slain by Odin and his brothers, and his body was used to form Midgard, the World of Humans. Ymir's flesh became the earth, his blood – the sea, his bones – the mountains, and his teeth – rocks and cliffs. Finally, Ymir's skull became the sky, protecting Midgard from above. The maggots that chewed through his decaying flesh evolved into the first Dwarfs.
  • Ymir to szósta z kolei planeta Układu Słonecznego, której powierzchnia pokryta jest ogromnym oceanem. Planeta otoczona jest wielkimi pierścieniami, nad którymi prawdopodobnie unosi się cienka warstwa atmosfery. Kategoria:Układ Słoneczny
  • Echte naam: Ymir Aliassen: - Nationaliteit: - Herkomst of krachtbron: - Affiniteit/Groepsconnecties: - Bekende Relaties: - Bekende Vijanden: * Odin (Odin Borson) (Thor#80) * Ve (Ve Borson) (Thor#80) * Vili (Vili Borson) (Thor#80) Krachten: - Wapens en accessoires: - Eerste optreden: - Bedacht door: -
  • King Ymir One-Eye, also called the Mountain King, is the leader of trolls who rules over Troldhaugen.
  • Ymir, der Frostgigant, ist der Herr der Stürme und des Krieges. Ymir lebt in Valhalla weit im Norden Vanaheims. Laut den Nordheimer Schamanen gehen die Seelen der Krieger, die fallen, nach Valhalla um dort für ewig zu leben und zu kämpfen. Dieser Glaube macht die Nordheimer Krieger furchtlos, weil sie ohne Rücksicht auf sich selbst kämpfen um ehrenvoll nach Valhalla einzukehren.Kategorie:Götter
  • A monster from the 1957 science fiction film '20 Million Miles to Earth'.
  • Ymir is a character in the Fire Emblem series. He appears in FE11, FE12, and FE13.
  • Ymir (ユミル Yumiru, Hymir in the Japanese version) is a Warrior and is one of the exclusive characters in Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon. He is a villager of a Grustian town who is giant in size, which causes people to call him an ogre. However, he does show care for them and even fights on his own in order to save the villagers, who fell into a trap by Grust in attempting to eradicate them all. Later, Marth's army arrives there to help. Because of their mutual intention to save the villagers, Marth soon convinces Ymir to join the army. When the War of Shadows is over, Ymir heads home to his Grustian village.
  • Ymir ist in der eddischen Dichtung der Urriese, aus dessen Gliedern die Götter die Welt geschaffen haben sollen (s. Weltschöpfung). Daneben begegnet der Name Aurgelmir - 'das rauschende Nass' (Vafthrudhnismal 29), wie Ymir selbst "der Rauscher" bedeutet.
  • Ymir is the name of a planet in mutliple works of science fiction.
  • Ymir is monster # 52, part of Series 2 . Ymir has a points value of thirty, and was available in all four neon colours.
  • Ymir the Frost Giant is a colossal Litho-Titan similar Metagolem. Ymir is used by the Guardians of Thor to protect the Temple of Thor and Thor's mystic hammer, Mjolnir. The Guardians use the Incantation of Asgard in order to invoke him from his Amulet and to control him.
  • Ymir is an NPC in Xenosaga Episode III: Also sprach Zarathustra.
  • Ymir, also known as Mir and the Dragon King, was the god of winter, the father of frost giants, and the first Dragon Rider. He disappeared during the Wyvern Wars and was forgotten by history, though a shadowy cult worshiped him during the mortal ages.
  • Ymir nació 2232. Su hijo Jotun también vive en Paradise Falls. Como su hijo, Ymir es un hombre chulesco y fanfarrón. Odia a Frank, el camarero, ya que cree que agua su bebida. Su día a día consiste en beber, pelearse, beber y volver a pelearse.
  • Ymir is a planet located in an Unknown Globular Cluster far outside of Systems Commonwealth space. Its surface is described as a "fiery hellhole." Its moon, Burrie, is, in contrast, icy and collides with an aurora every 800 years. The Andromeda received a signal from the Moon, and went to investigate. In Norse mythology Ymir is a frost giant, the first and greatest of the race. After being killed by Borrs, his body becomes the foundation of the whole world, his skull the heavens, his blood the oceans and his flesh the earth.
  • The Ymir was the name given to a a cruel and bloodthirsty nation of humans hungering for domination that originally created the machines to instigate a cruel and unnecessary war against other nations to take over the planet, with their original name long-lost in cyberspace. Originally, the YMIR were the foremost leading nation on the earth before the start of the machine war which originally created the complex humanoid machines to fight their war of domination versus the other nations. After the defeat of the nation of YMIR, the children of the YMIR, the machines, continued to fight the war against humanity, creating a never ending winter of war when antimatter weapons used during the war cause an artificial global snow storm.
  • The Ymir is a non-sapient, reptilian humanoid that is native to planet Venus. Virtually nothing is known about the Ymir in its natural habitat, except that it feeds on sulfur and is somehow able to survive in the harsh environment of its home-world.
  • The Ymir are believed to be an offshoot race of Beastmen. Savage and bestial, they are cunning hunters who prey exclusively on Humans. Unlike the Beastmen, Ymir are generally solitary creatures, only meeting with another to produce a few whelps. They have no formal language, communicating in guttural growls and grunts. An Ymir stands just over seven-foot tall and weighs over 300 pounds. Its entire body is covered in thick, shaggy, white hair that gains a yellowish hue towards its lower body. They have an unpleasant smell, stinking of sour milk and rotten flesh. Most Ymir have frozen chunks of blood and flesh caught in their fur, which they pry off to eat when hunting is scarce.[1a]
  • The Ymir is only available to play with in Local Multiplayer in both MechAssault and MechAssault 2: Lone Wolf. The weapons system it carries is highly prone to overheating if not regulated/managed properly by the pilot. The Ymir is one of two 'Mechs to carry the Lava Gun, extremely powerful, but heat creation doesn't allow for repeated firing. The 'Mech overall is built to bring massive damage in a short time period. The Ymir was built to take down 'Mechs quickly, and cannot sustain prolonged battles. one of the few mechs that is a fair match for the Atlas.
  • After Sugou's inhumane experiments on 300 captured SAO survivors in the administrator-locked area atop the World Tree in ALfheim Online were made publicly known, RECT and the whole VRMMO industry suffered a huge blow. RECT Progress was disbanded due to said experiments and even the main RECT office suffered heavy losses, while ALO had to be suspended.
  • In its first from it was a unique shaped katana that appears to be made up of a black and white substance. The swords is unique as that Kaname is able to summon the sword from any point on his body, simply by merging this arctic and blaze nature.
  • Ymir (Planet UTC45-03A) was a Class 4 Planet surveyed by Catherine Sakai for Universal Terraform in 2259 looking for Quantium 40. Located close to an ancient, though only recently discovered Jumpgate, Ymir was surveyed by one of Universal Terraform's robotic probes eight months prior to Sakai arrival aboard the Skydancer whereupon it reported Ymir to be a standard Class-4; a rocky terrestrial world with no surface water and minimal geological or atmospheric activity. However, by the time she had arrived the planet appeared to have been totally strip-mined, with an unusually high level of particulate matter in the atmosphere right across the planet and a greenhouse effect that had increased the planet's surface temperature by a factor of 1.43.
  • Ymir is an ancient and evil entity summoned by the Grand Hall of Sinister Wisdom as a distraction in their third and final attempt to capture The Angel of Hell's Kitchen. It was banished by Seraphim after it defeated the Empire City Guard, the Amazing Three and Mega-Girl.
  • Ymir is a primeval being born of primodial born from the ice of Niflheim (realm of cold ) and flames from Muspelheim (realm of fire ) and ancestor of all jotnar, Dwarf and even one of the ancestor to the norse gods. Ymir fed on milk from the primeval cow Audhumla, a creature almost as old as himself, otherwise he slept most of the time. Audhumla licked from a salt lick up the giant Bore. He was not as ugly or evil that Ymer and managed to eventually find Ymir and Audhumla's daughter Hahadde similar disposition Bore and that he could start a family with.
  • 10(xsd:integer)
Main Character
  • Ymir; Ymir from Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Vol 2 15 001.jpg
  • Ymir; bio-ymir.jpg
  • none
  • 6(xsd:integer)
  • After Koenigsdorf, requires Rank 4
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