| - Prior to the Collapse, Manami was visiting her father Kei Yume alongside her sisters, Mizuko Yume and Chihaya Yume in Soul Society while their mother Kiyoko Takara stayed in Eden to oversee Kenmeiotome matters. She was at the forefront of the Collapse and manage to survive the disastrous event, albeit at the cost of Kei Yume mysteriously disappearing. Along with Mizuko Yume and Chihaya Yume, Mizuko met with the other survivors of Soul Society, eventually joining the reformed Gotei Remnant. Although the Yume Sisters could return to the World of the Living, Manami decided to stay and aid in the Gotei Remnant, which was possibly inspired by their father's sacrifice.
| - Prior to the Collapse, Manami was visiting her father Kei Yume alongside her sisters, Mizuko Yume and Chihaya Yume in Soul Society while their mother Kiyoko Takara stayed in Eden to oversee Kenmeiotome matters. She was at the forefront of the Collapse and manage to survive the disastrous event, albeit at the cost of Kei Yume mysteriously disappearing. Along with Mizuko Yume and Chihaya Yume, Mizuko met with the other survivors of Soul Society, eventually joining the reformed Gotei Remnant. Although the Yume Sisters could return to the World of the Living, Manami decided to stay and aid in the Gotei Remnant, which was possibly inspired by their father's sacrifice. Manami had a brief appearance in Bleach: Tribulations, having been borne sometime between the interim of Part IV and V of the series. She routinely appeared under the care of her mother. During the time-skip to the Bleach (Kenji Hiroshi) Storyline (approximately twelve years), Manami had grown up to be quite a wonderful young woman, often appearing as a supporting character in most instances and was typically found in the company of her closest friends, Yukia Satonaka and Seraphim Tatsumi. Several years had passed and Manami, in her early twenties, makes an appearance in Bleach: Cataclysm. She was one of the few who managed to survive the disastrous Collapse alongside her sisters, Chihaya Yume and Mizuko Hoshiko at the expense of their father's mysterious disappearance.