Malcolm of Locksley, portrayed by Dean Lennox Kelly, is the father of Robin Hood and Archer. It is revealed in "Bad Blood" that Archer is an illegitimate son produced by an affair with Guy of Gisborne's mother Ghislaine many years prior to the series. Malcolm was thought dead in a fire after Ghislaine's husband Roger caught them together, but it is revealed that he escaped the fire and had been searching for his other son for years for Ghislaine. He sought out Robin and Gisborne to get them to rally together and rescue their half-brother because Malcolm was too sick and dying to do it himself.
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| - Malcolm of Locksley, portrayed by Dean Lennox Kelly, is the father of Robin Hood and Archer. It is revealed in "Bad Blood" that Archer is an illegitimate son produced by an affair with Guy of Gisborne's mother Ghislaine many years prior to the series. Malcolm was thought dead in a fire after Ghislaine's husband Roger caught them together, but it is revealed that he escaped the fire and had been searching for his other son for years for Ghislaine. He sought out Robin and Gisborne to get them to rally together and rescue their half-brother because Malcolm was too sick and dying to do it himself.
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| - Lord of Locksley
- owner of Locksley Manor
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| - Malcolm of Locksley, portrayed by Dean Lennox Kelly, is the father of Robin Hood and Archer. It is revealed in "Bad Blood" that Archer is an illegitimate son produced by an affair with Guy of Gisborne's mother Ghislaine many years prior to the series. Malcolm was thought dead in a fire after Ghislaine's husband Roger caught them together, but it is revealed that he escaped the fire and had been searching for his other son for years for Ghislaine. He sought out Robin and Gisborne to get them to rally together and rescue their half-brother because Malcolm was too sick and dying to do it himself. Before the fire took effect, and he caught Roger of Gisborne together with Ghislaine, the two men argued and the argument became a fight. Malcolm won, but inadvertently killed Ghislaine in the process. He managed to escape whilst Roger spent his last moments, willingly, with his wife. The two died and Malcolm escaped. Despite that both Robin and Guy harbor anger and bitterness towards Malcolm because of the affair, it is largely Malcolm who helps the two reconcile their differences. He later dies for real presumably before Robin and Gisborne awake from being put to sleep by Malcolm's darts.