| - Faction: Neutral Species: Transformer Function: ASSASSIN Rank: 0 - Loner Alone. Forgotten. Outsider. Necross is a mysterious study in anachronism from an era most would prefer to forget. Created long ago by the Quintessons, he is the Cursed Child, an unfortunate victim doomed to be the sole bearer of their legacy, and all the animosity, ridicule and distrust inherited along with it. His purpose is obsolete. His mission, forgotten. Both sides of the Autobot/ Decepticon conflict despise his creators, their hatred for each other paling in comparison. His often bitter and cynical outlook on life make him seem cold and unapproachable, although it is more apathy than anything else. Seeing the state of affairs 25 million years after he was created, he finds it rather ironic that after fighting so
| - Faction: Neutral Species: Transformer Function: ASSASSIN Rank: 0 - Loner Alone. Forgotten. Outsider. Necross is a mysterious study in anachronism from an era most would prefer to forget. Created long ago by the Quintessons, he is the Cursed Child, an unfortunate victim doomed to be the sole bearer of their legacy, and all the animosity, ridicule and distrust inherited along with it. His purpose is obsolete. His mission, forgotten. Both sides of the Autobot/ Decepticon conflict despise his creators, their hatred for each other paling in comparison. His often bitter and cynical outlook on life make him seem cold and unapproachable, although it is more apathy than anything else. Seeing the state of affairs 25 million years after he was created, he finds it rather ironic that after fighting so long for their freedom, and sacrificing so much, the Transformers celebrate their liberty by continuing to wage war against one another. The enemy has changed, but they've somehow justified it for brother to kill brother. In robot mode, Necross carries an energy scythe, forearm-mounted lightning cannons, and a powerful, two-handed Zeropulse energy cannon. In 1960 Cadillac Landau Hearse mode, he can cruise at 180 MPH, and carries a bay-mounted AC-20 Vulcan cannon. As a Boeing F-22 Raptor Stealth Fighter, he is equipped with the Vulcan as well, in addition to a full complement of Sidewinders and AMRAAMs. Necross rarely speaks of his past, and his unknown motives often cause his actions to seem unpredictable and chaotic. Necross was last seen: Fri Aug 9 19:58:47 2002