The DHARMA cabling map is the map that Sayid finds in the DHARMA Operations Manual (3x11). It shows the Flame station as a central hub for the cables, one of which leads to an area called the Barracks which he believes is where the Others are staying. Cable relay/switching points are also shown, along with the station's satellite dish. A circled "5" appears near the Barracks area. A circled "B" appears in the region around the flame. Note: The B appears much further South in the full map released as a promotional still. A key on the map near the barracks labels the following items:
The DHARMA cabling map is the map that Sayid finds in the DHARMA Operations Manual (3x11). It shows the Flame station as a central hub for the cables, one of which leads to an area called the Barracks which he believes is where the Others are staying. Cable relay/switching points are also shown, along with the station's satellite dish. A circled "5" appears near the Barracks area. A circled "B" appears in the region around the flame. Note: The B appears much further South in the full map released as a promotional still. A key on the map near the barracks labels the following items: Two other keys refer to subterranean passages. They mark two passages leading from the barracks. One leads to the Flame. Where the other leads to is undetermined. It does not appear that the subterranean passages are collocated with the electrical or other services.