| - Antonio is a current professional CAW wrestling known for his in ring time with Wrestling Franchise Federation where has held the ECW Championship several times.
- Antonio is the leader of the Savanna Pride in Nala15's fan-fiction Lord of the Plain.
- Sosa Troop is a minor character in the game Scarface - The World Is Yours, and in the movie Scarface (1983 film).
- En 2344, Antonio était le guide qui accompagna Kolopak et le jeune Chakotay dans une expédition en Amérique Centrale pour trouver les descendants du peuple de l'hévéa, qui vivait toujours de la même manière que leurs ancêtres. (VOY: "Tattoo")
- Antonio is a large grey hulking brute with little intelligence, who is Sunny's ex-boyfriend. He was overprotective of her, and always talks in third person. He is Ester's current boyfriend.
- Antonio is the Merchant of Venice. He is very good friends of Bassanio. His other friends include Salerio, Salanio, Gratiano and Lorenzo. His enemy is the money-lender Shylock. Antonio is the only main character who does not find love.
- La ropa de Antonio es un atuendo que puede utilizar Toni Cipriani en Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories. Estará disponible luego de la misión Making Toni, posiblemente para hacer que Toni tenga una ropa informal más de jefe. Éste atuendo consiste en:
* Franela Blanca
* Pantalón de jean azúl.
* Zapatos blancos.
* Reloj Negro
- Antonio (マコト, Makoto en japonais, Siggi en allemand, Antonio en anglais, espagnol et italien) est un fourmilier apparaissant comme villageois dans la série Animal Crossing à partir d'Animal Crossing: Wild World. Il est également apparu dans Dōbutsu no Mori e+, un jeu exclusivement japonais. Sa carte Amiibo est également compatible avec le jeu Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival.
- Antonio – wydra mieszkająca w Central Parku. W odcinku Miłość z automatu to on, a nie Fred został wskazany przez urządzenie Kowalskiego, jako idealny chłopak dla Marlenki. Potrafi grać na hiszpańskiej gitarze.
- Antonio is a sensuous latino who occupies an enchanted bowl, seducing all who gaze into it.
- Antonio was a vampire in "The Southern Vampire Mysteries". Leather-clad and appearing only in the book Dead Reckoning, Antonio is one of Victor Madden's vampire bodyguards, but was staked in the back by Maxwell Lee. __TOC__
- Antonio is the secretary of the Pensworth Household and the second hand man of Cullen Pensworth, and works as his advisor and secretary, as well as one of his main fighting forces.
- Antonio est un commerçant de l'Archipel Sabaody.
- Antonio fights for love.
- Antonio is the Chisyu Star in Suikoden.
- Antonio is would-be Marlene's boyfriend
- Antonio was a client of Saul Goodman's.
- thumb|150px Antonio ist ein männlicher Otter aus der Serie Die Pinguine aus Madagascar. Er ist ein Freund von Fred und sollte in der Episode für Marlene der zukünftige Partner sein, aber da die Pinguine ihn übersahen, dachten sie, der Partner wäre Fred. Er hat einen spanischen Akzent und kann sehr gut Gitarre spielen.
- Antonio was a character from Barrio Sésamo, the Spanish version of Sesame Street. He was a human, adult character who appeared in the second period of the series, from 1983 to 1987. He interacted with human-size muppets Espinete and Don Pimpón. Antonio was married to another human character, Matilde, and they had two children, Roberto and Ruth. Although Matilde had a business of her own, the horchatería, Antonio apparently was not a business partner for his wife. He probably had an administrative job. In his free time, Antonio enjoyed playing the saxophone.
- Antonio (whose real name is Ricardo Del Veccio) is a young Italian-American who is best known for his appearances with Mid Atlantic Wrestling, where he was one of the original members of the roster. A solid all-round wrestler, he has become something of a protege of the legendary Rip Chord, and is beginning to show more and more of that influence in his work, not least through his adoption of a DDT as his finisher. The only thing holding him back appears to be his small size, being only 212lbs.
- Antonio is the grandson of the rebel leader, Conrad. He has dedicated himself to helping Odin in his fight for justice, but is one of the few rebels that doesn't know of Juliet's true identity. Of course, he is surprised to find out Juliet's true identity (and gender), but after getting over the shock, he continues to help her out. Antonio appears in the first episode, helping "Odin" free an innocent girl from Cabinieri guards. He falls from a broken bridge, and is saved by Romeo and Benvolio.
- thumb|Antonio Antonio ist ein Mensch im 24. Jahrhundert. Er begleitet Chakotay und Kolopak zum Kautschukbaumvolk auf der Erde. (VOY: ) Antonio wurde von Joseph Palmas gespielt.
- Antonio es un residente de Soleanna en Sonic the Hedgehog (2006). Es el fantasma de uno de los tresthumb|288px|Antonio presentandose. mosqueteros de Soleanna (aunque los otros dos no se conocen) y es, naturalmente, muy sabio. Según la leyenda, fue el héroe responsable de salvar Soleanna, y poco después, él y sus compañeros habían escondido un tesoro en un lugar secreto. Sólo aquellos que pueden probar su habilidad en el vuelo, la fuerza y la velocidad puede adquirir el tesoro.
- Antonio ist Tanz-Coach und versucht Dominik von Blumenberg und Mila Burmeister bei einer Einzelstunde ihnen das Tanzen beizubringen. Gespielt wird die Rolle von Jan Hasenfuss.
- Antonio is the owner of "Antonio's Graman" in Sabaody Archipelago.
- Antonio is a character appearing in the Best Wishes! series.
- Very little information is known about him. Before entering into Cervantes' service, he served the House of Medici.
- Antonio was a Bone Gnawer who lived during the Dark Ages.
- Antonio is a friend of the gang who invited them to visit him in Venice, Italy.
- Antonio, (también Antonio en inglés e italiano) es un vecino atleta.
- Antonio is the boyfriend of Jenn. He was among the party-goers present at Rob's Apartment prior to the "Earthquake" that rocks the city.
- Antonio – jeden ze strojów dostępnych w Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories. Otrzymujemy go po odbyciu rozmowy telefonicznej z matką Toniego po misji Making Toni. Składa się on z czarnych butów, niebieskich dżinsów, białej bluzki oraz czarnego zegarka na ręce.
- Ottagonale secentesca, appiccagnolo mancante, probabilmente trasversale, spezzato sopra alla base.
- Antonio es el propietario de "Antonio's Graman", una tienda en el Archipiélago Sabaody.
- __INDEX__ Antonio ist ein asiatischer Otter aus der Fernsehserie Die Pinguine aus Madagascar, er kommt nur in der Episode Der Partnervermittler 3000 vor. Er ist ein Freund von Fred und sollte in der Episode von Marlene der zukünftige Partner sein, aber da die Pinguine ihn übersahen, dachten sie, der Partner wäre Fred. Kategorie:Charaktere (Die Pinguine aus Madagascar)
- Antonio is a young boy and the son of Luigi, a fisherman.
- Antonio è il proprietario e il gestore della bancarella "Antonio's Graman" sulle isole Sabaody.
- Antonio was a greedy and rash man who lives in Lutie. When he didn`t become the next village leader, he decided to take revenge and run away with all the toys that were made in the Toy Factory. Antonio claimed that he wanted to take over the factory because he liked it and no one else wanted to keep it running. However, after Santa did some investigation, he discovered Antonio was trying to take his job. Antonio doesn't think it's a big deal if he has a surplus of toys, to which Santa argued that it would not be the same if children received toys from Antonio instead of Santa. Antonio is eventually punished by an adventurer and forced out of the factory.
- Antonio was one of the operatives of Mexican crime lord Hector Salazar working inside the US during Day 3.
- |Gender=Male |Age=15-16 |Alias=Tony |Nemesis=Cody, London, Zack, Maddie |Friends=Maddie, Mr. Blaine |Portrayer=Mark Indelicato |FirstAppearance="Lip Synchin' in the Rain" |LastAppearance="Lip Synchin' in the Rain" |Image = Antonio 0.jpg }}
- Antonio es un asesino que trabaja para Humanón en Río de Janeiro, Brasil. Su jefe le ordena matar a Kalimán cuando se entera que éste ha llegado a Río de Janeiro, pero Antonio no tiene éxito, aún habiendo sido ayudado por Ñato, un cómplice sordomudo, y por misteriosos hombres-perro. Humanón eventualmente cambia de opinión y ordena a Antonio y Ñato capturar vivo a Kalimán para llevarlo a su laboratorio en el alto Amazonas y aprovechar su cerebro. 230px|leftAntonio secuestra entonces a Solín, y obliga a Kalimán ir a un cementerio abandonado para liberarlo. Allí él y Ñato intentan capturar a Kalimán, pero fallan miserablemente; Solín es liberado y Ñato termina siendo capturado. Antonio escapa, y poco después comanda a un grupo de hombres-perro que asesinan a Elsa, la asistente del profesor Va
- Lord Antonio is the mayor of New Magincia in Ultima VI. Due to the humble nature of the citizens of New Magincia, Lord Antonio had few disputes to settle and usually found himself with plenty of free time. He used this opportunity to create magic tricks and delighted in entertaining the Avatar with one of his favourite tricks.
- thumb|AntonioAntonio - bogaty Kurvinox, mąż Danuty. Wraz z żoną udał się w rejs do USA na pokładzie TYTANISA pierwszą klasą w ramach ich podróży poślubnej. Cały czas próbował przekonać niezadowoloną małżonkę, że będzie jej się podobało na statku. Na pokładzie często wymiotował przez barierkę za burtę jednak wszystkie jego wymiociny lądowały na Dominiku. Antonio po zobaczeniu Domina poczuł pożądanie ze wzajemnością. Próbował dostać się na niższy pokład do klasy ekonomicznej gdzie przebywał jego obiekt westchnień, który także dążył do ich spotkania. Podczas kolacji Antonia czekała niespodzianka - jego ukochany zdołał dotrzeć do niego. Spędzili romantyczne chwile i uprawiali seks po czym Domino zakosił portfel swojego partnera. Po zderzeniu się statku z górą lodową, Antonio wypadł za burtę. P
- Antonio was Adrian's best friend and first boyfriend. They were next door neighbors and knew each other since elementary school. They rode the school bus together, hung out, and had sleepovers. In the episode Be My, Be My Baby, Adrian talks about him when she and Ricky go to therapy together. Dr. Fields asks her about her first sexual experience, which was with Antonio. Adrian says that they brought their sleeping bags up to the roof of their building and zipped theirs up together. Adrian says that it was a wonderful night, that they listened to music, and watched the moon. They decided to have sex because he was going away do cancer treatment. They always wanted to be each other's first and last. They talked about getting married and having children together. Adrian tells Ricky that he's
- Esta página pertenece a la Negropedia. "Va a hacer un año que no follo acordándome" — Antonio Especimen autóctono de Jarbasete. Conocido en nuestro mayor como comeplátanos (y sus derivados: jalatráncas, comenabos, etc). Este mote le viene dado por su faceta soy-guay que en una cena con Cori le jugó una mala pasada diciendo que aún le cabía algún plátano más después de haber ingerido 10. Esto desencadenó la ira del Cori Ibérico que buscó por todo el colegio plátanos hasta que encontró 2 más y se los hizo tragar.