| - Memerases first attacks Mariner Bay to lure out the Power Rangers. The Rangers (with the exception of the Pink Ranger as she stayed behind to help a boy) encounter the monster and did battle with their V-Lancer's, but they were all out matched, he then erased the Red, Yellow, Green and Blue Rangers memories of being Lightspeed Power Rangers and teleports away. He returns to the city along with his master Diabolico and attacks Mariner Bay once again, the Pink Ranger tries to take him on her own but she was quickly out matched. The other Rangers (with the exception of Carter for he had not gotten his memories back) comes in to aid her, but Memorase summons an army of Batlings to keep them busy, he knocks Dana out of her Ranger mode and as much as she tries, she was out matched, Memorase was
| - Memerases first attacks Mariner Bay to lure out the Power Rangers. The Rangers (with the exception of the Pink Ranger as she stayed behind to help a boy) encounter the monster and did battle with their V-Lancer's, but they were all out matched, he then erased the Red, Yellow, Green and Blue Rangers memories of being Lightspeed Power Rangers and teleports away. He returns to the city along with his master Diabolico and attacks Mariner Bay once again, the Pink Ranger tries to take him on her own but she was quickly out matched. The other Rangers (with the exception of Carter for he had not gotten his memories back) comes in to aid her, but Memorase summons an army of Batlings to keep them busy, he knocks Dana out of her Ranger mode and as much as she tries, she was out matched, Memorase was about to make the fatal blow on Dana until the Red Ranger (who had just regained his memories) came to the rescue and kicks the demon away, Dana morphed into the Pink Ranger and gives Memorase a mighty kick, Memorase was no match for the Red and Pink Rangers team work and after the Yellow, Green and Blue Rangers fought off all of the Batlings they destroy him with the Thermal Blaster Boaster Mode. Jinxer revived him as a giant and the Rangers summon the Lightspeed Megazord and the Max Solarzord to form the Lightspeed Solarzord and did battle with Memorase, he attempted to use his Mega Blast attack on the Zord, but it had no effect on the Megazord as it just absorbed it, with its cannons charged, the Lightspeed Solarzord fired its mega cannons and ultimately destroys Memorase once and for all.