Log Title: B-Boys Characters: Buster, Judy Witwicky, Ron Witwicky, Sparkplug, Spike Location: Buster's house / Buster's Aunt and Uncle's House Date: 1986 / March 18, 2010 TP: Flashbacks Summary: As Spike continues to recover from a gunshot wound courtesy of Deadline, the sight of a basketball hoop stirs up a memory of a one-on-one game with Buster that turned ugly.
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| - Log Title: B-Boys Characters: Buster, Judy Witwicky, Ron Witwicky, Sparkplug, Spike Location: Buster's house / Buster's Aunt and Uncle's House Date: 1986 / March 18, 2010 TP: Flashbacks Summary: As Spike continues to recover from a gunshot wound courtesy of Deadline, the sight of a basketball hoop stirs up a memory of a one-on-one game with Buster that turned ugly.
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| - Log Title: B-Boys Characters: Buster, Judy Witwicky, Ron Witwicky, Sparkplug, Spike Location: Buster's house / Buster's Aunt and Uncle's House Date: 1986 / March 18, 2010 TP: Flashbacks Summary: As Spike continues to recover from a gunshot wound courtesy of Deadline, the sight of a basketball hoop stirs up a memory of a one-on-one game with Buster that turned ugly.