| - Bella Goth (født Bastiansen) er en forhåndseksisterende sim som er med i The Sims, The Sims 2 og The Sims 3. I The Sims bor hun sammen med ektemannen Mortimer og datteren Cassandra i nabolaget som følger med spillet. 25 år senere, i The Sims 2, finner vi familien Goth i nabolaget Hyggenes. På disse årene har Bella og Mortimer rukket å få enda et barn, sønnen Alexander. Bella selv er imidlertid forsvunnet, og det mistenkes at hun er kidnappet av romvesener. Bella har ambisjoner om romantikk, og er søster til avdøde Mikael Bastiansen.
- Bella Goth lived at 2 Sim Avenue at the time of her disappearance. She was last seen on the roof of Mafia boss Don Lothario's house. Bella's husband, Mortimer Goth, said Bella was commanded by the "Great Green Diamond in the sky" to look out the telescope during the time of 7:00 PM to 11:00 PM, and was abducted. I was taken to the Goth Mansion to learn about Bella Goth, from her family, Mortimer, Cassandra, and Alexander Goth.
- Bella Goth ( /ˈbɛləɡɑːθ/) (née Bachelor) is one of the pre-made Sims shipped with The Sims game, in which she lives with her husband, Mortimer Goth, and her daughter, Cassandra Goth. Between The Sims and The Sims 2, Bella and Mortimer had one more child, Alexander Goth. She also had an elder brother named Michael Bachelor.
- Bella Goth is the beloved wife of Mortimer Goth & mother of Cassandra and Alexander Goth. Though she was very prominent in The Sims, Bella suddenly disappeared when The Sims 2 was released. There are many theories as to the whereabouts of Bella, but nothing concrete has been officially released. There are however, several ways to retreive Bella Goth though this requires using cheats & hacks in your game.