| - Adult
- The Traders are a people of their own in the universe around Emelan, although it doesn't seem as though they had a homeland. As suggested by their name, they make their living with trading. They use caravans on land--sand or snow--as well as ships on the sea. Traders normally only interact with outsiders when there is a business opportunity. They live in families and one clan often possesses several ships or caravans. Traders who travel by land are called "White Traders" and Traders who travel by sea are called "Blue Traders".
- Traders are NPCs which trade in various goods. They are usually specialized on certain item types, like weapons, food or jewelry. In the trade window, select on the right side the goods you want to buy, and on the left side the the items you want to sell. Then click the "Trade" button. You can hold down the shift key to select multiple items.
- Traders are wandering merchants who travel from settlement to settlement throughout, and sometimes beyond, the land of Albion. File:Captured Trader.jpg
- The Trader is an NPC found in shops. He appears to be wearing a purple hat and a grey cloak.
- A trader appeared in one of Eko's flashbacks in "The Cost of Living". When Emeka and his men told Mr. Eko of their deal with Yemi regarding the village's shipment of vaccinations, Eko met with a black market trader at a bar in an attempt to sell the vaccines. Emeka tried to murder Eko for his deal with the trader, but Eko ended up killing him instead.
- Dwarftrader's zijn op het moment de beste monsters die je kan bestelen. Deze geven ook het meeste Thieving exp. Categorie:Dwarf Categorie:Thieving
- Trader is the one who trade, tradable items. They can be found in village, town or city. Trader have a quote "By low, sell high." Once the player/main protagonist recruit a trader he/she will open a Trade Shop in the headquarter. Suikoden, Suikoden II, Suikoden III, Suikoden IV, Suikoden V and Suikoden Tierkreis
- Page for Trader information
- Un trader est un type qui passe ses journées devant un écran à essayer de jouer les mediums pour faire gagner un max de fric à des gens qui valent bien plus que toi. D'ailleurs, Steevy n'est pas en désaccord avec ça. Le trader s'habille en Prada, utilise des raccourcis clavier ubuesques et connaît plus de 50.000 codes à six chiffres dont celui du journal intime de ta soeur. Il parle l'allemand, aime les tubes de Lorie et possède plus de cinquante portraits de Bill Gates à la maison.
- A Trader was a being that bought and sold items and supplies to others. Traders often would specialize what they sold to the place they have set up shop. For example, several Traders in Onu-Koro had found that fresh fish from Ga-Koro sold very well. A famous Trader was Ahkmou. They usually sold their goods at marketplaces - The Onu-Koro Marketplace and the Ga-Koro Marketplace were the most popular.
- The official Trader forum can be found here.
- __NOEDITSECTION__ File:Nav bar left.png Trader File:Nav bar right.png File:Item Card.png Trader File:Trader.jpg File:Item Border Silver.png File:Common Gem.png File:Battle Icon 2.png 0 File:Trade Icon 2.png 1 File:Intrigue Icon 2.png 0 Common File:Sealbar-gold.png File:Seal Lock Icon.png Will give you a good deal
- The greatest Merchants were the Númenóreans whose Merchant princes were known as the Dâiruzîri, but there were also great traders among Dwarves and Dorwinrim, and even Orcs (the Dauma).The Traders of Far Harad were organised in a guild known as the Namalo, those of greater Harad were ruled by the caravan masters of Sirayn.
- Two traders for each company stand on each side of the Octagon, found in the centre of the city. Here they shout out their offers and look for potential deals. To help oversee this, the Trade Referee stands in the centre of the Octagon and ensures that the octagon runs as smoothly as possible. Traders do not currently have roles in any quests, and cannot be talked to, but at level 90 Thieving, players may pickpocket them. Initially, an activity was planned for the Octagon, but as confirmed by a Jagex Moderator, this scheme has now been abandoned, replaced instead with the thieving element.
- Trader is a type of vendor NPC stationed at a garrison . They sell various Draenor profession ingredients for the most part.
- If money is power then the trader class could potentially be the most powerful. Traders share a common bond and that bond is the desire for wealth. Working together they have managed to pay off officials in all major towns which has resulted in members of their secret society being granted special trading privileges. Traders begin with a 25% (up to 75% with class-enhancing skills) reduction to the goblin tax on player to player gold transactions and an extra 5 (up to 15 with skills) auction slots. -- In game description
- He was a trader that met with Eko who was attempting to cut Emeka and his gang off from the vaccine shipment that was due to arrive.
- The Sirian Traders are determined folk, in conflist over mineral rights in their mountainous home. They are hardy, and wear armor. They are native to the world Kingdor and the race belong to the Intergalactic Council.
- A trader is an NPC, and technically a small faction, with whom the player can interact for buying and selling items. While almost all friendly and neutral characters can be traded with, a trader is defined as a character who has items independent of his own inventory. More precisely, a trader has a stock of different items while a non-trader only has the items he uses. Traders also tend to reside in safe areas and have unlimited money with which to buy items from the player. A trader's inventory of items changes periodically. In Clear Sky players had to be wise who they sold their items to as now traders have different offers for all items, this feature returns in Call of Pripyat.
- In larger towns and cities, there are sufficient people so that Traders can set up a small shop or market stall. Thus, instead of the wandering life of the Pedlar, Traders wait for their customers to come to them. Some can become quite wealthy, with more than one shop and a social status approaching that of lesser Merchants. By and large, however, a Trader's life is a dull one, enlivened only by the occasional robbery or visit from Racketeers and it is not unknown for Traders to turn to adventuring in search of excitement and quicker profits.
- Go to the Temple Trader at one of 5 different main Public Temples to have a Babble Curse removed with Remove Curse for a small 12 g p fee, or else a de-Stink. Or even a mere separete 3 g p Lesser Detoxify spell. The 4 main towns have these functionaries as well as of course the Temple at /of Brigobaen (they charge there, too: the monks take vows of silence or perhaps poverty, not the Temple).
- A noble profession for those that like to work with their hands, Traders craft items and then sell what they craft to eager folks that need items that they make. Credits can flow into a shrewd Trader's hands if they follow the desires of the market. Traders do not gain experience through combat, they gain it through crafting. The more you craft, the more xp you bring in. Based on the complexity of a schematic, you will gain different amounts of xp.
- The eight ruling companies of Keldagrim, the Consortium, are in constant need of labour, ore, and mining rights. Although some transactions are done formally behind desks by the companies' directors and secretaries, the large amount of trading performed often requires less formal methods. To accomplish this, the Consortium has hired traders to perform trades in the Trade Octagon.
- A trader, unlike a merchant, does not sell and buy goods at a fixed price, but depending on supply and demand. You may even find a trader "out of stock" if there is very little supply. Prices have a lower limit (minimum purchase prices are 3 gold for common materials, 30 gold per unit for rare materials and 25 gold for Runes and Insignias, minimum sale prices are 10 gold for common materials, 100 gold for rare materials and 100 gold for Runes and Insignia, the minimum price for Celestial Sigils is unknown), but are open ended to an extent. Prices for certain Superior Runes have gone up to 100 platinum at one point, but since the maximum amount of gold you can carry on your person is 100 platinum, this is essentially upper limit.