| - Echo & The Bunnymen are an English post-punk/new wave group, whose song "Bedbugs and Ballyhoo" appeared in the episode "Mirror Image" of the series Miami Vice.
- Echo & The Bunnymen are an English post-punk band, formed in Liverpool in 1978. The original line-up consisted of vocalist Ian McCulloch, guitarist Will Sergeant and bass player Les Pattinson, supplemented by a drum machine. By 1980, Pete de Freitas had joined as the band's drummer, and their debut album, Crocodiles, met with critical acclaim and made the UK Top 20 ... (read more at Wikipedia)
- Echo & the Bunnymen é unha banda inglesa de post-punk, formada en Liverpool en 1978. Os seus membros orixinais foron o vocalista Ian McCulloch, o guitarrista Will Sergeant e o baixista Les Pattinson, axudados por unha caixa de ritmos. No ano 1980 Pete de Freitas uníuse como baterista, e o seu álbum de debut, Crocodiles, foi aclamado pola crítica entrando no Top 20 británico. O seu segundo álbum, Heaven Up Here, novamente agradou á crítica e acadou o número 10 nas listas británicas de álbumes. O estatus de culto da banda foi seguido polo éxito masivo a mediados dos anos 80, e conseguiron entrar no Top 10 británico co tema "The Cutter", e o seu correspondente álbum, Porcupine, acadaría o número 2 no [Reino Unido]]. A súa seguinte edición, Ocean Rain, continuou co éxito nas listas británicas,
- Echo & the Bunnymen are an English rock band formed in Liverpool in 1978. The original line-up consisted of vocalist Ian McCulloch, guitarist Will Sergeant and bass player Les Pattinson, supplemented by a drum machine. By 1980, Pete de Freitas joined as the band's drummer. In 2012 Ian McCulloch released his fourth solo LP, Pro Patria Mori and a live album Holy Ghosts in 2013.[4] In 2013 Will Sergeant and Les Pattinson formed a group called "Poltergeist" and released an album called Your Mind Is A Box (Let Us Fill It With Wonder) in June 2013.[5]
- Echo & the Bunnymen are a British post-punk band, formed in Liverpool in 1978. The original line-up consisted of vocalist Ian McCulloch, guitarist Will Sergeant and bass player Les Pattinson, supplemented by a drum machine. By 1980, Pete de Freitas joined as the band's drummer.
| - Echo & the Bunnymen are an English rock band formed in Liverpool in 1978. The original line-up consisted of vocalist Ian McCulloch, guitarist Will Sergeant and bass player Les Pattinson, supplemented by a drum machine. By 1980, Pete de Freitas joined as the band's drummer. Their 1980 debut album, Crocodiles, met with critical acclaim and made the UK Top 20. Their second album, Heaven Up Here (1981), again found favour with the critics and reached number 10 in the UK Album chart. The band's cult status was followed by mainstream success in the mid-1980s, as they scored a UK Top 10 hit with "The Cutter", and the attendant album, Porcupine (1983), reached number 2 in the UK. Their next release, Ocean Rain (1984), continued the band's UK chart success, and has since been regarded as their landmark release, spawning the hit singles "The Killing Moon", "Silver" and "Seven Seas". One more studio album, Echo & the Bunnymen (1987), was released before McCulloch left the band to pursue a solo career in 1988. The following year, in 1989, de Freitas was killed in a motorcycle accident, and the band re-emerged with a new line-up. Original members Will Sergeant and Les Pattinson were joined by Noel Burke as lead singer, Damon Reece on drums and Jake Brockman on keyboards. This new incarnation of the band releasedReverberation in 1990, but the disappointing critical and commercial reaction it received culminated with a complete split in 1993. After working together as Electrafixion, McCulloch and Sergeant regrouped with Pattinson in 1997 and returned as Echo & the Bunnymen with the UK Top 10 hit "Nothing Lasts Forever". An album of new material, Evergreen, was greeted enthusiastically by critics and the band made a successful return to the live arena. Though Pattinson left the group for a second time, McCulloch and Sergeant have continued to issue new material as Echo & the Bunnymen, including the albums What Are You Going to Do with Your Life? (1999), Flowers (2001), Siberia (2005), The Fountain (2009) and Meteorites (2014). In 2012 Ian McCulloch released his fourth solo LP, Pro Patria Mori and a live album Holy Ghosts in 2013.[4] In 2013 Will Sergeant and Les Pattinson formed a group called "Poltergeist" and released an album called Your Mind Is A Box (Let Us Fill It With Wonder) in June 2013.[5]
- Echo & The Bunnymen are an English post-punk/new wave group, whose song "Bedbugs and Ballyhoo" appeared in the episode "Mirror Image" of the series Miami Vice.
- Echo & The Bunnymen are an English post-punk band, formed in Liverpool in 1978. The original line-up consisted of vocalist Ian McCulloch, guitarist Will Sergeant and bass player Les Pattinson, supplemented by a drum machine. By 1980, Pete de Freitas had joined as the band's drummer, and their debut album, Crocodiles, met with critical acclaim and made the UK Top 20 ... (read more at Wikipedia)
- Echo & the Bunnymen é unha banda inglesa de post-punk, formada en Liverpool en 1978. Os seus membros orixinais foron o vocalista Ian McCulloch, o guitarrista Will Sergeant e o baixista Les Pattinson, axudados por unha caixa de ritmos. No ano 1980 Pete de Freitas uníuse como baterista, e o seu álbum de debut, Crocodiles, foi aclamado pola crítica entrando no Top 20 británico. O seu segundo álbum, Heaven Up Here, novamente agradou á crítica e acadou o número 10 nas listas británicas de álbumes. O estatus de culto da banda foi seguido polo éxito masivo a mediados dos anos 80, e conseguiron entrar no Top 10 británico co tema "The Cutter", e o seu correspondente álbum, Porcupine, acadaría o número 2 no [Reino Unido]]. A súa seguinte edición, Ocean Rain, continuou co éxito nas listas británicas, e é considerado o seu álbum máis destacado, con sinxelos coma "The Killing Moon", "Silver" e "Seven Seas". Un novo álbum de estudio, Echo & the Bunnymen, foi editado antes de que McCulloch deixase a banda para comezar unha carreira en solitario en 1988. O ano seguinte de Freitas morreu nun accidente de moto, e a banda reapareceu cunha nova formación. Aos membros orixinais Will Sergeant e Les Pattinson uníuselles Noel Burke coma vocalista, Damon Reece na batería e Jake Brockman nos teclados. Esta nova encarnación editou Reverberation en 1990, pero tanto as críticas como as vendas remataron por desfacer a banda no ano 1992. Despois de traballar xuntos coma Electrafixion, McCulloch e Sergeant reuníronse con Pattinson en 1997 e voltaron coma Echo & the Bunnymen co tema "Nothing Lasts Forever". Un álbum con material novo, Evergreen, tivo un bo recibimento por parte da crítica e a banda tivo unha volta exitosa. Aínda que Pattinson deixou o grupo por segunda vez, McCulloch e Sergeant continuaron facendo novo material coma Echo & the Bunnymen, incluíndo os álbumes What Are You Going to Do with Your Life? de 1999, Flowers do 2001 e Siberia do 2005. A banda agarda editar un novo traballo no ano 2009.
- Echo & the Bunnymen are a British post-punk band, formed in Liverpool in 1978. The original line-up consisted of vocalist Ian McCulloch, guitarist Will Sergeant and bass player Les Pattinson, supplemented by a drum machine. By 1980, Pete de Freitas joined as the band's drummer. Their 1980 debut album, Crocodiles, met with critical acclaim and made the UK Top 20. Their second album, Heaven Up Here (1981), again found favour with the critics and reached number 10 in the UK Album chart. The band's cult status was followed by mainstream success in the mid-1980s, as they scored a UK Top 10 hit with "The Cutter", and the attendant album,Porcupine (1983), reached number 2 in the UK. Their next release, Ocean Rain (1984), continued the band's UK chart success, and has since been regarded as their landmark release, spawning the hit singles "The Killing Moon", "Silver" and "Seven Seas". One more studio album, Echo & the Bunnymen (1987), was released before McCulloch left the band to pursue a solo career in 1988. The following year, in 1989, de Freitas was killed in a motorcycle accident, and the band re-emerged with a new line-up. Original members Will Sergeant and Les Pattinson were joined byNoel Burke as lead singer, Damon Reece on drums and Jake Brockman on keyboards. This new incarnation of the band released Reverberation in 1990, but the disappointing critical and commercial reaction it received culminated with a complete split in 1993. After working together as Electrafixion, McCulloch and Sergeant regrouped with Pattinson in 1997 and returned as Echo & the Bunnymen with the UK Top 10 hit "Nothing Lasts Forever". An album of new material, Evergreen, was greeted enthusiastically by critics and the band made a successful return to the live arena. Though Pattinson left the group for a second time, McCulloch and Sergeant have continued to issue new material as Echo & the Bunnymen, including the albums What Are You Going to Do with Your Life? (1999), Flowers (2001), Siberia(2005) and The Fountain (2009).